All-Star Small Senior All-girl 5 Dallas Predictions?

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Of course they had a higher raw score. Cali dropped which not only gives them a deduction but also takes away from their stunt score as well. The fact remains that Cali does have more difficulty than Orange period! You'd serious have to be blind not to see that. Anyone who thinks otherwise has lost it because it's right in front of your face. You can not compare 5 full and a half up stretch to stretch tic tocks to 4 full and a half ups and 4 switch up to front stretches. It's so not fair if you would even consider than to be a long the same lines. They had a freaking jewelry legality ane you are arguing that they stunt the same or even less is insane. That's so not fair!

I actually can compare. Orange had a more difficult pyramid. The only thing that cali did in stunts that orange didnt do was a tick tock. So yes i can compare.
sorry to disappoint but all of you predicting Suns up there in the top 3 are crazy. They don't have the tumbling, nor stunting to even touch rays, cali, or cheer athletics.
tumbling...yes..but stunting-wise? they have it! you should watch their routine more ofter because their stunts section is fierce
I watched a little team called weather girls...not sure where they're from ;), but i sure know where they're going!!

oops, sorry i didn't realize i was posting on the NCA thread!! nonetheless, my statement still stands!!
Of course they had a higher raw score. Cali dropped which not only gives them a deduction but also takes away from their stunt score as well. The fact remains that Cali does have more difficulty than Orange period! You'd serious have to be blind not to see that. Anyone who thinks otherwise has lost it because it's right in front of your face. You can not compare 5 full and a half up stretch to stretch tic tocks to 4 full and a half ups and 4 switch up to front stretches. It's so not fair if you would even consider than to be a long the same lines. They had a freaking jewelry legality ane you are arguing that they stunt the same or even less is insane. That's so not fair!

I am not 100% on it, (and would love someone well versed in the Varsity scoring to confirm) but I thought on the Varsity scoresheet that if a stunt dropped it was only to be held against the team in the deduction section, but not difficulty/execution score. That they would be given full credit for the attempted skill in difficulty even if it didnt hit, and execution would only be scored on the stunts that hit. I thought that was how the Varsity score sheet prohibited something from being penalized twice in deductions and execution score.

Can someone confirm this?
Assuming all of the front-runners hit, which rarely occurs, I think Rays and Cali are clearly the two best teams. Cheer Athletics has a lot of skill, but they tend to be a bit sloppy. I don't think Suns has what it takes to compete with the big dogs...mainly because of their lack of tumbling. After watching Orange both days at Cheersport, it is clear to me that it is going to be very difficult for someone to overtake them at Worlds this year (assuming they hit both days). Sure, there are a lot of other small senior teams that match or have more talent and skill level than Orange, but where Orange continues to dominate is the "little" details of a routine; i.e., all of their toes are pointed in their jumps, the flyers' beautiful double-downs out of their stunts, their tumbling form is beautiful, no bent legs. No one can touch them when it comes to those details. In my opinion, CEA comes the closest, as evidenced by their consecutive Worlds Silver medals. I think the top three small senior teams are Orange, Cali and CEA.

Of the several years I have been reading this board, this one of best comments I have read. Just objective common sense without noticeable "fandom". Thank you.

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