level 1

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  1. J


    so in level 1, if there are 2 people in a shoulder sit, is it legal to “pop off” with their hands? or do they have to sit them down
  2. D

    All-Star Level 1 dismount

    would love to confirm if this dismount is legal , she goes from bracing a scale to hand grip for prone dismount , any input is great appreciated
  3. C

    Level 1 stunt sequences

  4. B

    Need Help Maxing Out Level 1 Stunting

    Hello everyone I have A team of 19 and I need help maxing out stunting for level 1 . We always seem to get 4.6 or 4.7 in diff how can I max out ?
  5. I

    Level 1 Repeat Or Concentrate On Improving Tumbling?

  6. U

    Cheer Clarification – L1 Round Offs

    Click For Full Article The correct answer to the L1 Round Offs quiz is None are Legal in Level 1. Starting with the 2017-18 season, Level 1 doesn’t allow tumbling immediately after a Round Off or Round Off Rebound and the half turn during the rebound doesn’t change it from being a rebound. The...
  7. U

    Cheer Quiz – L1 Round Offs

    Click For Full Article This week’s quiz takes us to Level 1 Round Offs. Please let us know which, if any, of the tumbling passes are Legal in Level 1. Also, be sure to check out the last quiz and clarification.
  8. U

    Cheer Clarification – L1 V-sit, Pike, And Flat Body

    Click For Full Article The correct answer to the L1 V-Sit, Pike, and Flat Body quiz is all 3 positions are LEGAL in Level 1 as performed in the images. Previously each of these would have been prep level single leg stunts, requiring a connection to an additional athlete to be legal in Level 1...
  9. U

    Cheer Quiz – L1 V-sit, Pike, And Flat Body

    Click For Full Article This week’s quiz takes us to Level 1. The quiz will be open until Friday morning and the answer will be posted Friday afternoon.
  10. wondervvivi

    All-Star Uca Coaches Camp Level 1 - Has Anyone Experiences?

    I am interested to attend the UCA Coaches Camp Level 1 in Germany since I started coaching this year and want to do be good at it. Has anyone attended a camp like this already or is any german coach also interested? The camp says it's perfect for new coaches and it teaches about essentials for...
  11. cherita.cheerology

    All-Star The Summit Recap: Level 1

    Not sure if many of y'all watch my videos...but I'm starting to recap Summit and D2 Summit on top of worlds. Sheesh. Lots of videos ahead! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. L

    Level 1 Tumbling

    Now that a RO backwalkover is illegal in level 1, would a roundoff PAUSE backwalkover count as a single running tumbling pass? Also, I am having my level 1 team work on handstand forward roll into cartwheel backwalkover. Would this be counted as a running skill as well? Not sure if the...
  13. CheerMaD

    Secret To Getting From Level 1 To 5

    Click For Full Article Rachel, Angie and Abbi; 2010-11 Fierce Kidz of Proathletics, Mini Level 1 This TBT picture stopped me in my tracks. I looked at the picture of these babies: (left to right) my daughter Rachel, Angie and Abbi, and unexpectedly teared up. I love these kids and their...
  14. Outlaws

    All-Star Level 1 Stunt Rules

    Is prep to prone legal in level 1 or does it have to dip to smush before prone? Thanks in advance!
  15. Outlaws

    Level 1 Elite Stunts

    Is a ball up legal for level 1 if it stays below prep level?
  16. AliciaM

    Level 1 And 3

    One of our level 1 and my level 3 team have a "stunt" in the dance need clarification. Under stunt rules "F" it states that you may not go over another person but that's only for a stunt section rather than in a dance? We've done it before but another coach mentioned it saying we can't do that...
  17. mo1cheer

    Level 1 To Prone

    In level 1 can you cradle to prone from a prep level arabesque (with bracer) if the backspot has a hold of both ankles?
  18. J

    Level 1 Elite Skills

    Ccan anyone help me understand the 1/4 twisting transition to prep? I had my girls hitting a scale with the base facing the front so flyers hips were facing the left, then pulling the knee into a lib and the side base would grab that foot dip and hit a half twisting the stunt to the front. I...
  19. U

    Clarification – L1 Prep Level Liberty

    Click For Full Article The correct answer to the L1 Prep Level Liberty quiz is the skill is Legal in Level 1. All 4 required roles, Top, Base, Spotter, and Bracer, are filled by different people. The Top is in red and being supported off the performing surface. The Base is in blue, supporting...
  20. U

    Quiz – L1 Prep Level Liberty

    Click For Full Article For this week’s quiz we’re heading to Level 1. The quiz will be open until Friday. Be sure to check out the last quiz updated with the answer and results.