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TLDR in advance: cheerUPDATES seems to cover the complete Summit competition.
(personal opinion: if you call something "press release" you might want to check spelling and grammar before you release it)
GET READY! cheerUPDATES and The Ultimate Climb are JOINING FORCES to provide you with the BEST coverage of The 2018 Summit and 2018 D2 Summit – THE COVERAGE YOUR ATHLETES DESERVE!
“We have always been very centrically focused on Level 5, and Worlds teams. We’re thrilled and excited to combine resources with The Ultimate Climb to bring an even more complete insight into highlight coverage, and focus for ALL LEVELS of all star cheerleading,” states cheerUPDATES.
Stay tuned for complete coverage of both end-of-year events including articles about The Summit, The D2 Summit, Summit/D2 Summit Bound Teams, highlight coverage, and LIVE play-by-play coverage of The Summit and D2 Summit!
We are so excited and honored to work with cheerUPDATES to provide the next level of coverage of The Summit and D2 Summit. We are looking forward working with cheerUPDATES to deliver the most comprehensive Summit and D2 Summit coverage, results, and news. Get ready!
You can follow @cheerUPDATES on Twitter for LIVE routine coverage to see who will earn the coveted YOU JUST HIT at The Summit and D2 Summit.
You can also read highlight, team, and athlete articles at leading up to The Summit and D2 Summit beginning May 2, 2018.
During The 2018 Summit, you can find the most up-to-date news, schedules, live updates, results, pictures, and placements starting May 3, 2018, for the commencement of the International Summit at THE SUMMIT CENTRAL at
Varsity Summit 2018 Centralized Information.
And during the 2018 D2 Summit, you can check for all the results, placements, schedules, live updates, pictures, and latest news beginning on May 11, 2018, at D2 SUMMIT CENTRAL at
You can follow @cheerUPDATES on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
And you can follow The Ultimate Climb on Instagram and Facebook, and follow on Twitter @UltimateClimb.
And don’t forget to watch SnapChat’s @UltimateClimb Athlete Takeover for The Summit and D2 Summit!
Make sure to subscribe to cheerUPDATES at
Subscribe to for the latest notifications for new Summit and D2 Summit content. You don’t want to miss out!