All-Star Bronchitis Help...?

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Jun 13, 2012
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Last week I was diagnosed with bronchitis and was away from practice all week cause I was contagious.. Now that I am cleared to be around people again I was wondering if anyone has had this issue:
I really want to be able to practice with my team because we are just now learning our routine and we have 11 weeks till our first competetion, but the problem is... Even walking from my room to the bathroom across the hall makes me out of breath.
What have you guys done when you were really sick but didn't want to let your team down?
Any advice is welcome... :)
If you can't even walk across the hall, you probably shouldn't practice. I would go to practice and video tape all of your parts of the routine and go over them at home; try some things and see how you feel. If you are cleared to be there then the rest is what your body will allow. Pain is the brains way of telling you to stop, so listen to your body.

This thread probably should be in the random section. Hope you feel better! :)
Honestly you shouldn't be out of breath walking from room to room in your house. Do you have asthma? The more you fight your body telling you to rest, the longer it's going to take you to get better. Also, if you are that out of breath, you are a liability to your team, any stunt group you are in is at risk for injury. You need to stay home.
I had bronchitis and laryngitis at the same time, so I definitely understand where you're coming from. It took me about 1-2 weeks to feel back to normal. I would just take each day as it comes and not overwork or push yourself at all. I know it's a really inconvenient time (I had it exactly a year ago actually) but taking care of yourself through this will really pay off. I'd definitely consider seeing your doctor again and double checking with him, you can never be too safe!
Honestly you shouldn't be out of breath walking from room to room in your house. Do you have asthma? The more you fight your body telling you to rest, the longer it's going to take you to get better. Also, if you are that out of breath, you are a liability to your team, any stunt group you are in is at risk for injury. You need to stay home.

No, I don't have asthma but my little brother does so my doctor said I might have asthma that is triggered by this... And I know I shouldn't be out of breath.. It is quite an inconvieniance (sp) lol...
I also never thought about stunting and risking the others girls safetty.. Thank you for pointing that out for me :)
I had bronchitis and laryngitis at the same time, so I definitely understand where you're coming from. It took me about 1-2 weeks to feel back to normal. I would just take each day as it comes and not overwork or push yourself at all. I know it's a really inconvenient time (I had it exactly a year ago actually) but taking care of yourself through this will really pay off. I'd definitely consider seeing your doctor again and double checking with him, you can never be too safe!

Yeah, I am going on week number 2 of being sick and it has actually been getting worse the last few days. I saw my dr yesturday and he put me on 2 inhalers and had me on a breathing thing that pumped steriods right into my lungs for about half an hour
If you can't even walk across the hall, you probably shouldn't practice. I would go to practice and video tape all of your parts of the routine and go over them at home; try some things and see how you feel. If you are cleared to be there then the rest is what your body will allow. Pain is the brains way of telling you to stop, so listen to your body.

This thread probably should be in the random section. Hope you feel better! :)

Thank you!
I was trying to decide which section to put it in and couldn't decide so I just posted it here llol
Health comes first! Take a break from cheerleading until you're 100%!
Yeah, I am going on week number 2 of being sick and it has actually been getting worse the last few days. I saw my dr yesturday and he put me on 2 inhalers and had me on a breathing thing that pumped steriods right into my lungs for about half an hour

Wow that's a little scary. I really think you need to give your body some rest before you end up being forced to rest in the hospital. That's no fun. You need to take your condition more seriously and stop thinking about cheerleading. Your teammates and coaches will understand. Being healthy is way more important.
I have asthma and currently have bronchitis too. I get it all the time. I personally think advair (purple inhaler) works the best in combination with ventolin/salbutamol (blue inhaler). But everyone is different. I would wait til the bronchitis gets a bit better before you practice. If bronchitis is left to get worse and you run yourself down it can turn into pneumonia which is NOT fun at all. Just take another week off just to be safe.
I have asthma and currently have bronchitis too. I get it all the time. I personally think advair (purple inhaler) works the best in combination with ventolin/salbutamol (blue inhaler). But everyone is different. I would wait til the bronchitis gets a bit better before you practice. If bronchitis is left to get worse and you run yourself down it can turn into pneumonia which is NOT fun at all. Just take another week off just to be safe.

Yeah, my dr put me on both those inhalers. I haven't taken the blue one yet, but I hatte the purple one. It actually makes me feel so much worse :( and doesn't even help my breathing as much as it should....
I had bronchitis before and as out from school and practice for a week. The problem with me, was that when I would wake up or get up, my equilibrium was all out of whack. But I took the meds and stayed well rested and was able to go to school that friday and practice on sunday, even though I shouldn't have(I have a strong immune system). All I can say is finish out your meds even if you feel mine finish them out, I didn't and when ever Im about to get sick I start having chest congestion's. Get Well Soon!!!!

Let your coaches know you are coming back from a illness so they won't work you so hard. I know for me I had to take a break at one point because I was feeling dizzy.
Yeah, my dr put me on both those inhalers. I haven't taken the blue one yet, but I hatte the purple one. It actually makes me feel so much worse :( and doesn't even help my breathing as much as it should....
Take the blue one first and then the purple it will work better :) trust me lol
Take the blue one first and then the purple it will work better :) trust me lol

Oh really? I was told to only take the blue one as like an "emergency" inhaler and the purple one every morning and evening
Yes the blue is an emergency inhaler BUT if your bronchitis is that bad you can go ahead and take the blue before purple to make it work better. I'm an asthma vet lol try it and see if it works better. The blue "emergency" inhaler rapidly opens up your airways so you can breath better thus when you take the purple you are actually getting more of medication because your lungs aren't working as hard to take it in. I hope that makes sense lol