Sounds pretty much how our practices are run. If I could change anything at all it would be to have them drill, drill, drill and drill some more in routine sections. Like...when "we hit it 5 times clean as a team we'll move onto the next part" kind of drill. Then, when you're tired, in the last 15 minutes we'll put it all together and throw a full out. Twice. But, I'm just a little competitive :)
In either case, it sounds like a standard practice to me.
We just had our first competition and some teams were fine (three first place finishes and one beat out the other for grand champs of lv 4) some had little things here and there and others were train wrecks. I'll also say the entire competition we attended (cheersport charlotte) the winner in each division seemed to be the cleanest of the disasters. I didn't see one single CLEAN team all day (including ours) and some of them were downright turn the music off before someone dies scary.
It's November.
And like
BlueCat said, I watched (probably the first three outings) from Senior Elite last year and they were disasters. That team went on to kill it at Worlds and bring home a globe.
Sometimes I think the schedule itself is part of the practice. It made an impression on our train wreck teams that they didn't want to look like that again, and it's not nationals season yet, so part of the plan may, in fact, be to throw them into the pool and see if they sink or swim. If they sink, that may just be what needs to happen to motivate them to swim when Nationals season rolls around and that's not really until January.