All-Star Do's & Don'ts Of 2011 Worlds

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Apr 30, 2010
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Thought it would be fun and beneficial to make a "Do's and Don'ts" of WORLDS.

Do: Make sure you get a seat early before so that you want miss out on a team.
Don't: Ask a "how did (Team A" do from someone who is wearing a (Team A) T-shirt, because you more than likely won't get the real truth of what happened ! hahaha
Do: Tweet about fierceboarder sightings
Do: make friends
Do: Be nice to everyone
Do: get up and leave often so there will be a closer seat for me if i get up and leave.
Do: print out your schedule ahead of time and highlight who you want to see
Do: remember that teams with at large bids in small limited and small senior may not make it to Semi-Finals so make sure you see them in pre-lims. Same goes for International teams with US finals and then prelims.

Don't: Jump up in front of me so I cant see the teams.
Don't: Try to sneak into the VIP section up front, big jacked men will kick you out
Don't: stand in front of parents of the team in Priority viewing if you are not related to someone on the floor
Don't: do stunts in the pool, mickey patrol is not fond of this
Don't: do anything stupid that would get you kicked out before you compete, (unless youre team competes against a team I like, then i wont mind if your team has one less on the floor... haha totes jk)
Don't: Tweet that teams were amazing when they had 3 stunt falls and 2 touches.
DO: Come up and find me!
DO: Wave frantically to the International Teams.
DO: Cheer for everyone! They have all worked so hard!
DO: Make friends with Tank. He won't let other people yell at you.
DO: Invest in Red Bulls, 5 Hour Energy shots, crack, whatever you need to stay up.

DON'T: Laugh at me if I'm in tears before Senior Elite's performance day 2.
DON'T: Eat a lot at the arena. It adds up. Unless you've got stacks on deck and it's not a issue for you. In which case please buy me lunch.
DON'T: Move around a lot. You WILL lose your seat.
DON'T: Count on getting a lot of sleep that weekend.
DO: Come up and find me!
DO: Wave frantically to the International Teams.
DO: Cheer for everyone! They have all worked so hard!
DO: Make friends with Tank. He won't let other people yell at you.
DO: Invest in Red Bulls, 5 Hour Energy shots, crack, whatever you need to stay up.

DON'T: Laugh at me if I'm in tears before Senior Elite's performance day 2.
DON'T: Eat a lot at the arena. It adds up. Unless you've got stacks on deck and it's not a issue for you. In which case please buy me lunch.
DON'T: Move around a lot. You WILL lose your seat.
DON'T: Count on getting a lot of sleep that weekend.

Ill make sure to look for you ahaha
Do: Remember that EVERY performer at World's is someone's child!
Do NOT: Talk trash about a specific performer. You never know who is listening. (Really, if we can all refrain from any trash-talking in the first place, our sport will be much better off!)

Do: Print out your schedule ahead of time. (Like imrich said...this is crucial!)
Do NOT: Ask to borrow someone's schedule and take off with it! (Especially mine. I will hunt you down to get it back...and not nicely!) :)
DO: Come up and find me!
DO: Wave frantically to the International Teams.
DO: Cheer for everyone! They have all worked so hard!
DO: Make friends with Tank. He won't let other people yell at you.
DO: Invest in Red Bulls, 5 Hour Energy shots, crack, whatever you need to stay up.

DON'T: Laugh at me if I'm in tears before Senior Elite's performance day 2.
DON'T: Eat a lot at the arena. It adds up. Unless you've got stacks on deck and it's not a issue for you. In which case please buy me lunch.
DON'T: Move around a lot. You WILL lose your seat.
DON'T: Count on getting a lot of sleep that weekend.

i agree senior elite is WAY TOO IMPORTANT for anyone to distract you what a sight they would be i would probably cry if i saw them in person :D really not joking lol