High School Easy, safe, yet somewhat visual/creative stunts

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Dec 29, 2009
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So, my high school cheerleading team is...well pretty novice i guess. Our stunting consist of elevators and extensions and one group can do a lib.
When we start having pep rallies(SP?) i would love if we could do some things that look neat but are easy enough for us to do safely.

Does anyone have any ideas for things we could do? Types of dismounts and transitions and anything will be helpful!!
Straddle sits to preps are pretty and would be cool with signs at pep rally.

<-- Minus the front walkover. PLEASE make it cleaner than that though. When done properly, they're simple but pretty.
okay, so i hope i can explain this because it's really simple but looks kinda cool.

it's where you do a show n go and then as the flyer comes back down she is caught in a straddle with the backspot holding her butt and the side bases hold the bottom of her thighs and calves. and then from there, they can go back to a half. my highschool team did this with signs.
My school team did the stunt at :47 and it's pretty easy.

Also, please forgive the sloppiness of this. We decided on the stunts like an hour before the game. But the one at 1:11 is pretty easy. I would just recommend doing it to the side so the crowd doesn't get a crotch shot. ;)
Ok, I really need this thread to get some more ideas. lol.
My team is extremely novice. The most difficult stunt we do is a full, but be only cradle from a half.
I'm planning on teaching them the stunt already mentioned in the video aboved when we get back from the break.

However, I want to teach them one more stunt before our season is over (end the last week in January). Literally needs to be extremely easy to the experienced cheerleader. I have taught them halfs, fulls, straight cradle, thigh stands, and dead mans. That is all. I just want them to get excited to learn a new stunt because they know that they are really novice!
a friend of mine who's in highschool told me that they load in with frontwalk overs to one legs. They called it... an armbar? confused me, but in my terms its a frontwalk over
Cute for like a transition or something.. a show-n-go facing the back but the flyers turn to peek over their shoulders and look at the audience (hands on hips look really cute!)
If your flyers can BHS, try having them bhs then rebound into cradle. Or even have them roundoff.
Depending on your teams skill level, half ups? I don't know if that's pushing it too far or not haha.
I have no clue what they're called but the kick lifts? Two people are holding the flyer's arms and one person is holding the leg. Then they lift her up and she kicks her leg. It looks reallly pretty if the flyer is flexible.
you could do a twist up (i think thats what its called) where the flyer faces the back and step her foot over to the base on the opposite side so that her feet are crossed in the squish (if that makes sense) and the bases hands are criss crossed right over left i believe and then the flyer twists up into a half.. heres a video i found on youtube:
Cute for like a transition or something.. a show-n-go facing the back but the flyers turn to peek over their shoulders and look at the audience (hands on hips look really cute!)
If your flyers can BHS, try having them bhs then rebound into cradle. Or even have them roundoff.
Depending on your teams skill level, half ups? I don't know if that's pushing it too far or not haha.
I have no clue what they're called but the kick lifts? Two people are holding the flyer's arms and one person is holding the leg. Then they lift her up and she kicks her leg. It looks reallly pretty if the flyer is flexible.

We can't do any bhs. One girl has a round-off so we might try that into a cradle.
Half-ups we have tried. We could definitely get that if we had a little more time. Just one more month!
My team can do a kick lift! It is super cute! We did it for a quarter cheer recently and they LOVE it! It's those kind of simple stunts that give them a lot of confidence and they make me more relaxed. lol
My schools like this... My coach hates stunting idk why, but anyway we do the stair step thingy too. We also do splits stunts.
teddy bears and deadmans always work, especially when you do for example 4 of them at the same time. Also these alevators to front splits are fun to watch for the crowd.