I recommend getting an early flight on thursday so you get there in the afternoon so you can settle into your room then hit the parks! You probably won't get a chance to on Saturday and probably not sunday except for the Block Party. (they shut down Hollywood Studios for the night for the cheer and dance worlds competitors!! so much fun!). Friday is a good park day too when you aren't practicing. My teams always practice thursday night, fri 2 times, and saturday morning! so you'll have to work around that. It's so much fun being there. From like 7 AM on there is always SOMEONE practicing somewhere. It's like cheer & dance world...(i'd honestly hate to be a family on vacation at that time cus the entire place is swarming with allstar cheerleaders and dancers). The all star sports resort is the best hotel to me just cus that's where everybody is and it's just so much fun. The cafeteria there is nice but pricey so make sure you bring snacks for the room and lots of extra money for food. Bring a camera!!! This is something you will definitely want to remember. I literally look at my worlds photo albums like once a week at least. As far as watching teams, it was hard for me just cus we had dance teams and cheer teams so we were being transported back and forth between Epcot and The Milk House so we didn't really get a chance to sit and watch, but since you're injured anyway and will be watching, you'll probably get to see some good stuff! Print out a schedule for sure bc you want to know what's coming up (just like any other competition). They give you a drawstring backpack and some little freebies when you first arrive for your "orientation" so you might not necessarily need to lug around your big duffel or backpack to the parks. OH, and make sure you keep your lanyard on you like 24/7! It has your hopper pass (gets you into the parks) and that's the only way you can get into the comp too! So that's like your lifeline. Ohh and if you wanna go to the parks on Thursday or Friday, definitely get there early to try to beat the crowd! but even that won't save you cus it's so cram packed.
Wow that's a lot but I kinda was just rambling. In a nutshell though, just really enjoy yourself, take lots of pictures, bring extra money for food, meet lots of people, don't lose your lanyard, and plan your free days ahead of time (thurs or fri)!! Have funnn!!