I think it depends on the team - if you're a young SO5 team that competed in a worlds division to get a bid to go for the experience, then yeah, sure, go. But if you're normally a fairly competitive team and are having a rebuilding year, then is going just for the experience worth it to them? Maybe not.
It's something that each team needs to decide for themselves. But I don't think we should fault those teams who choose to do that if the USASF is going to continue enabling that.
I think that's where we were last year. We were an at large bid from Cheersport. They had the 7th highest score of the 70+ teams and were definitely skilled enough to be a contender. But they were inexperienced. So the point of going to worlds on an at large bid had a few reasons...
...first. They had the technical skills and the routine. They could've made it out of the prelims if they hit like we'd seen them do here and there through the season. they were not the janktastic Allstars by any means. They would not always hold it together in the clutch position and what better way to build that ESPN caliber confidence other than throwing them in the deep end of the pool. How else can you teach that? Did they hit, unfortunately not. Which bring us to the...
...second. When we say we wanted the experience I'm not talking about sending a kid who really shouldnt be there out on that mat just to say they were there. Those kids needed worlds experience to understand the level of competition, stress etc. We plan to have a 5 forever, this was our first one and none of our kids had ever really been there, they needed a reality check. That was it. And now having been there once and not star struck, they can settle in and do what they know how to do without being freaked out by the spectacle. That also brings up the....
....third. They needed to see some of these teams we'd never seen before so they could get that reality check and understand what it actually takes to be a true contender, it's not something you can work for in February. It starts the second you come home and 7 days a week there on. They also needed to see WHY you want a paid bid. We wanted them to experience 70 teams so they got the point that next year an at large bid is NOT where you want to be. And that was effective....of the kids on that team that went to worlds....they're not the ones laying out of summer practices. They got the message. They're working hard and they're now delivering that message to the new members of that team that have never been on a five nor been to worlds. They understand where those kids are because they were in their place last year.
So for us, it wasn't about just going because we got a bid, it was about going as an educational experience, a reality check, whatever you want to call it so when we're in position this year they will have more poise to be able to do what they are actually capable of doing....which they were capable of last year too but were just to inexperienced and uneducated to truly get it.
I think that's why I get sideways when people go all apesh*^ over "at large teams that shouldn't be there because they don't stand a chance so they should just stay home!" the goals are different for every gym, in our case it was strategic program building for a very young program. I never, for a second, thought they could beat Smoed....but that wasn't why we were there. We weren't going to beat them this year, but building the program, educating the kids....which you can only do through real experience....means we might contend with them in a couple of years. And that was worth the trip for us.