We do 2 placement dates, athletes only have to attend one. We break it up by age and assess primarily tumbling, flexibility and strength. We're doing one clinic between the 2 placement dates for any kids who didn't train in the summer (we don't do placements until August) for them to get the rust off if they want. We run 1 tumbling and 1 stunting night a week all summer. We don't have our own gym so we're at the mercy of availability of the gymnastics gym we're in. Summer's aren't required, but are obviously recommended. We all want summers off, so we imagine kids and parents do too. Maybe in the future when we have our own space we will have more competitive teams train all summer. But getting back on track....
We place kids on a team, or 2 if they're crossovers, and then we spend the month of September building a skill set for the teams routines and levelling the kids. They're informed if they're a "bubble kid", tho we don't call them that to them. If they can hang with the higher level or older kids, they can stay, but they have to prove that they can handle the team.
We do choreography in October and don't compete until January.
We don't charge any money until after placements. We then open our first tier of payment for about 10 days, then the price goes up, then it goes up again about a week later. We don't give an exact breakdown of where all the money goes. But we do tell parents what is included and try to not have it be that we ask for more money for things later, other than the travel costs and uniform because those are variable.