All-Star Varsity 2011 Catalog

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Jan 12, 2011
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Ok... so I may be alone with this, but was anyone else as DISAPPOINTED as I was with the new Varsity Catalog?! I am sorry, but it honeslty looks to me like they are just trying to play catch up with Gk, and failing....

I hate to say it, but I kind of agree. There's nothing new and fun, particularly for all stars. There's a few pages of the imprinting (like CA's uniforms), but that's all! :(
there were a couple i liked, like the Storm one and the ATL one on 134-135, but i was kind of disappointed
too little too late, in my opinion..... only 5 pages of all star unis? and some of those uniforms have been in the catalog for years!

varsity should stick with high school and college uniforms, they do those well
I am impressed. I could never flip through an online catalog enough to break it down. But I also can't go through a catalog about clothing in general (cheer or not).
There is something to be said about the old school classic cheerleading uniform. Personally - I'd like to have an old school classic over the new revolutionary spandex, skort/short uniform. I wish someone would design a fly away skirt that is revolutionary and fun for 2011-2012!!
I really like most of the designs but it seems that Varsity is focus at a lot more on school designs rather than allstar. That just seems like a mistake in itself because allstar uniforms are more in demand and they now have that added competition from GK.
too much high school for my taste. even the allstar uniforms look very allstar.
too little too late, in my opinion..... only 5 pages of all star unis? and some of those uniforms have been in the catalog for years!

varsity should stick with high school and college uniforms, they do those well

That was my thought too?? Only 5 pages of allstar out of a 230 page catalog....
What I like about varsity is they are very much a college and high school cheerleading brand. I love those looks. They are clean and sharp and, to me, thats what schools are and should be. They are still very traditional cheerleading on many levels and those uniforms show that. Call me old school...