Prayers Needed For My Sister's Safe Return!!

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Apr 26, 2010
My sister, who is 18 and deaf and legally blind and EXTREMELY naive, went to Albuquerque, NM with a 42yr old man that she knows and trusts completely. She trusts everyone and she doesn't think anyone will hurt her but she isn't aware of how people are these days. We think the man's intentions are less than honorable but she doesn't think hes capable of such things. She is currently on Kirkland Air Force Base. She is safe on base but not with this man. We're doing everything we can to get her back because she's handicapped and is still in high school. Please pray that he doesn't hurt her in any way and that she returns home safe and alive. Thank you to everyone who reads this and prays for this!
Prayers for your sister. I am so sorry to hear this story. I know what it is like to have someone in your family who is easy to take advantage of. :( If she is not with him, there are kind people who have helped my brother for other reason than his is just plain nice and they have good hearts. It is my prayer that people will good hearts will help her get back to you ASAP without injury.

And yo fellow Fierceboarders who condemn teenagers who make bad don't always know the limitations that a kid has and some of you are really harsh. Really harsh. Not every kid has the abilities that you had/have as a teen.
Prayers for her safe return.

ufomom I presume you are talking about the thread I started; if not oops, my apologies. If I did not have some direct knowledge of this young man and the situation, I would agree with you completely. The irony is that you should see the forum in his hometown. People who don't even know him have called him pond scum, murderer and someone without a conscience, while others have talked about seeking revenge or relishing the idea of him being abused in prison. People like me who asked for people to just wait for the police report and more information and quit assassinating his character and that of his family were accused of being "enablers" and "cheerleaders" and wanting him to receive no more than a "bad, bad boy" talking to. For 6 months since this accident happened, I don't think a day has gone by that I have not thought about it- the family that lost a child and now have a 3 yr old quadriplegic and the family who is facing the loss of a 16 yr old to prison and their own financial ruin. I don't know why it has so taken hold of me unless it is just the sheer tragedy of it all. (And perhaps the fact that I have three young drivers, one of whom is a 17 yr old boy.) And it was all so unnecessary. This is a young man who had every advantage, an economically comfortable family, a good mind and athleticism. The most he should be thinking about is what college to apply to next year, instead he currently is not allowed to return to school and will in all likelihood be entering prison instead of college. None of us, when we get in the car, think that our life is about to change forever. His did, but it wasn't pure youthful recklessness and lack of driving experience. The police report and court findings were released two weeks ago and now we know he was huffing and had done so previously. He and his friend were on their way to drink beer they had somehow obtained. He hit a guard rail and ran a red light and nearly hit a police car before he hit the family. These were choices he consciously made and must now pay the penalty for and it breaks my heart. I just thought that if one young person on this board reads that post and thinks twice before doing something similar than something positive can come from so much tragedy.
My apologies to this thread for the hijacking.
No, I didn't know about your thread, but that is certainly a terrible tragedy.
So heres the update (sorry it took so long. I have been going through a lot and havent really been on the computer.) We did get her back. It was only for 7 months (thats when she turned 19) then she went back. They got married. We don't talk much unless I call/text/email first. She talks to my grandparents and my parents which is good. She still cheers (as far as I know. Which doesnt mean anything anymore.) Thats pretty much all there is to it now.

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