Private Lesson Supervision

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during privates my coach does a pretty good job of staying off his phone, but during practice he does keep it with him. he has a little son, so if the phone rings and it's the babysitter or something related to his kid, he will take the call. and this is the one situation where i feel that coaches on their cell phone is okay.
i kind of relate this to teachers in school. all my teachers keep their cell phones with them, and they will answer it if it is from a daycare or babysitter. yeah, it takes 5 minutes away from class, but if it's an emergency, then they need to take the call.
in addition, the coaches use texting to communicate with eachother about the routines. so if he needs help fixing something or isn't sure about something, he will text another coach and get their input. however, these texts are sent during water breaks. so it doesn't take time away from instruction.
DEEP BREATH IN & OUT YA'LL Stick to the definitive facts stated. Our Coaches txted, talked on cell phones All the Time, chatted with other CL's, Coaches, during privates, during Team practices, during private meetings. Nothing & no Where was off limits. I don't wish to pay at a $1.00/minute for anything but the private.
BUT commen sense dictates water breaks, bathroom breaks, shelving in the gym to place your cell so you can check it during said breaks are normal.

This particular disease--Textingitis--only treatment I know of is Cold-Turkey shut down,yes it will be painful & if ya'll can't handle the empty feeling in your hand-missing the gripping of the phone, a rolled up wash cloth works well AND please its being said "Tongue in Cheek"

If anything comes out of this dialogue, I hope its just a REMINDER to Ya'll that your providing a SPORT Required, Specialized, Valuable, Talented SKILL to students who are usually eager, thrilled, talented, scared to death to LEARN.
Nothing will squash this desire & motivation faster than being ignored, or made to feel like your Coach has better things to do than Their Private but at the same time complain to the CL, about the CL for not mastering the skill. And in the end that is the Saddest result of all. Money is replaceable, BUT desire, the thrill to learn, to achieve, to master............ Nuff said.:daisy:
DEEP BREATH IN & OUT YA'LL Stick to the definitive facts stated. Our Coaches txted, talked on cell phones All the Time, chatted with other CL's, Coaches, during privates, during Team practices, during private meetings. Nothing & no Where was off limits. I don't wish to pay at a $1.00/minute for anything but the private.
BUT commen sense dictates water breaks, bathroom breaks, shelving in the gym to place your cell so you can check it during said breaks are normal.

This particular disease--Textingitis--only treatment I know of is Cold-Turkey shut down,yes it will be painful & if ya'll can't handle the empty feeling in your hand-missing the gripping of the phone, a rolled up wash cloth works well AND please its being said "Tongue in Cheek"

If anything comes out of this dialogue, I hope its just a REMINDER to Ya'll that your providing a SPORT Required, Specialized, Valuable, Talented SKILL to students who are usually eager, thrilled, talented, scared to death to LEARN.
Nothing will squash this desire & motivation faster than being ignored, or made to feel like your Coach has better things to do than Their Private but at the same time complain to the CL, about the CL for not mastering the skill. And in the end that is the Saddest result of all. Money is replaceable, BUT desire, the thrill to learn, to achieve, to master............ Nuff said.:daisy:

others are just posting their point of view for the situation. if you have THAT big of a problem with it, posting it on a message board is going to get you nowhere. talk to the particular coach about how you feel about him texting during the private, and I'm sure he will make sure that he doesn't do it again, or explain to you why he has to do it. if not, then stop taking privates with him. let others have their own opinions and you can have yours. :)
DEEP BREATH IN & OUT YA'LL Stick to the definitive facts stated. Our Coaches txted, talked on cell phones All the Time, chatted with other CL's, Coaches, during privates, during Team practices, during private meetings. Nothing & no Where was off limits. I don't wish to pay at a $1.00/minute for anything but the private.
BUT commen sense dictates water breaks, bathroom breaks, shelving in the gym to place your cell so you can check it during said breaks are normal.

This particular disease--Textingitis--only treatment I know of is Cold-Turkey shut down,yes it will be painful & if ya'll can't handle the empty feeling in your hand-missing the gripping of the phone, a rolled up wash cloth works well AND please its being said "Tongue in Cheek"

If anything comes out of this dialogue, I hope its just a REMINDER to Ya'll that your providing a SPORT Required, Specialized, Valuable, Talented SKILL to students who are usually eager, thrilled, talented, scared to death to LEARN.
Nothing will squash this desire & motivation faster than being ignored, or made to feel like your Coach has better things to do than Their Private but at the same time complain to the CL, about the CL for not mastering the skill. And in the end that is the Saddest result of all. Money is replaceable, BUT desire, the thrill to learn, to achieve, to master............ Nuff said.:daisy:

Love it! That may be my new favorite word!
Private lessons--Coaches and texting

others are just posting their point of view for the situation. if you have THAT big of a problem with it, posting it on a message board is going to get you nowhere. talk to the particular coach about how you feel about him texting during the private, and I'm sure he will make sure that he doesn't do it again, or explain to you why he has to do it. if not, then stop taking privates with him. let others have their own opinions and you can have yours. :)

:daisy:Cheer star you need to read all the postings, your above ideas to resolve the issue has already been addressed several times by I & others.

I think your missing the point of this on-going dialogue, it is Discussion Board, not Message Board. I've seen 15 pages devoted to who likes NCA vs CHEERSPORT on several threads, over and over ad nauseum. This Topic is as important, and as I've stated before,the Coaches have not chosen to change the behavior, AND believe me if I could go elsewhere I would. We are severely limited in choice. That sucks for my CL, it gives the gym a bad rap and I still have to pay 30.00 for 30 ignored minutes.

As ACE DAD said at ACE of ALABAMA they allow NO CELLS IN THE GYM, now thats being Professional,Polite,and well Worth whatever I would have to Pay. Again as stated before Nuff Said.

And indiglow, I think I LIKE you, your ability to see the absurdity & find the humor in this issue is Cool. :thanks:
As ACE DAD said at ACE of ALABAMA they allow NO CELLS IN THE GYM, now thats being Professional,Polite,and well Worth whatever I would have to Pay. Again as stated before Nuff Said.

And indiglow, I think I LIKE you, your ability to see the absurdity & find the humor in this issue is Cool. :thanks:

Keep in mind that just because ACE does things a certain way, that doesn't make it right. Just right for us.

Also, I think it's pretty funny that this kind of put me on the other side of njgymrat and mclovin when they are two of the more straight up coaches out there.

Finally, does "nuff said" mean that no one else is allowed to post? Wouldn't that defeat the point of a discussion board?
:daisy:Cheer star you need to read all the postings, your above ideas to resolve the issue has already been addressed several times by I & others.

I think your missing the point of this on-going dialogue, it is Discussion Board, not Message Board. I've seen 15 pages devoted to who likes NCA vs CHEERSPORT on several threads, over and over ad nauseum. This Topic is as important, and as I've stated before,the Coaches have not chosen to change the behavior, AND believe me if I could go elsewhere I would. We are severely limited in choice. That sucks for my CL, it gives the gym a bad rap and I still have to pay 30.00 for 30 ignored minutes.

As ACE DAD said at ACE of ALABAMA they allow NO CELLS IN THE GYM, now thats being Professional,Polite,and well Worth whatever I would have to Pay. Again as stated before Nuff Said.

And indiglow, I think I LIKE you, your ability to see the absurdity & find the humor in this issue is Cool. :thanks:

i have to say, if you are that unhappy with your coaches, why don't you stop paying them for private lessons? you may not be able to find another cheer gym near by, but privates are not a necessity.

in addition, while your coaches may text for frivolous reasons, others do not. it's a case by case situation. therefore, sometimes texting may be okay, even necessary. and in others, it may be a complete waste of time.
Ace Dad,
nuff said means like Enough Already, I & I mean I alone feel like I'm beating the subject to death and its time to end it, only problem is I have a really hard time not responding to opinions that seem to miss the entire reason for my initial post, ya'll can text till the sun goes down & comes back up. Just please be aware of whose dime your doing it on. & on top of it I think ended up hijacking a thread that really wasn't particular to Coaches texting but rather camera's in gyms, safety of cheerleaders, how many coaches should be in the gym--which by the way, ya'll had great ideas.

I dont know where you cheer but at our gym group tumbling & or privates is mandatory. We are not allowed to take privates elsewhere, contract rule.

So thank you all for your input, it was a funny and interesting subject, stuck in the middle of a much more serious discussion. But I hope its a Heads Up for all COACHES, the next time your in a private, stop, look around and see what maybe really happening.:peace:
At the old gym my daughter was at if we wanted to speak to the coach we would just text him while he was on the mat....
Sad but true story!

Phones = Emergency only!
Perfect cheermom... I totally get where you are coming from.... Been there and done that and it is extremely frustrating!
I feel your pain, and I think maybe a better question to ask these coaches is how should a parent approach a coach who they feel is abusing a private without it coming off negative? I always bite my tongue because my CP doesn't want me to "upset" the coach. But in all reality, it makes for an uncomfortable environment if you abruptly drop a coach and start with another one in the same gym.
Keep in mind that just because ACE does things a certain way, that doesn't make it right. Just right for us.

Also, I think it's pretty funny that this kind of put me on the other side of njgymrat and mclovin when they are two of the more straight up coaches out there.

Finally, does "nuff said" mean that no one else is allowed to post? Wouldn't that defeat the point of a discussion board?

The thing is I totally get where she is coming from. My point was not to lump every coach in the same boat as hers. There is no way that McLovin, indiglow or I would ever condone the behaviors or attitudes she wrote about the coaches she was personally dealing with.
I keep my phone on me during private lessons and while I am coaching. I use it to check the time periodically and to check my messages, texts, and emails during water breaks. If I must return a phone call, text, or email (urgent only, of course) - I leave momentarily from the gym and go to the coaches office when I can return it where no one can see what I am doing. I cant see coaches texting or taking calls during the private or classes though, esp if they are the only one out there.
I keep my phone on me during private lessons and while I am coaching. I use it to check the time periodically and to check my messages, texts, and emails during water breaks. If I must return a phone call, text, or email (urgent only, of course) - I leave momentarily from the gym and go to the coaches office when I can return it where no one can see what I am doing. I cant see coaches texting or taking calls during the private or classes though, esp if they are the only one out there.

Then I invite you to watch ours. :shock:

Believe me ya'll dont have to convince me that every Coach is guilty of abusing it, I Know thats not true.

And yes tinytumblersmom it IS VERY TOUGH to figure out a way of communicating your frustration, irratation, watching wasted learning time slowly going the tubes along with my money. My CL also did not want us to discuss it with the Coaches--we tried as did other parents ANYWAY--but as my CL said "you know there will be pay back."
Sorry Coaches , it is a reality in the cheerleading world and boy is it a sucky one.and puleese don't start a thread about Coaches behavior, I'm exhausted just discussing this one, it will open a whole new can of icky worms. Lets leave that subject to another day. :daisy:
Its by far the best gym in the area-which makes leaving very-very difficult. What blew me away was ya'll responses. I thought ALL Coaches did it, although they don't always do it during every private,if your on their "special list" then they will pay better attention. Ya know how it is. Nice to hear it may not be a nation wide Coach disease. my gym it is against policy for anyone, coach or athlete, to have their cell phone with them on the floor.
Why am I not surprised this thread got off topic so fast...
Answer to question 1:
Privates should be monitored period. At a local gym (which shall remain nameless) there were a few accusations/rumors of coaches having sexually assaulted minors at lessons. The coaches were all proven innocent but rumors fly and parents don't want their kids at a program where that kind of thing is even accused of happening. But how do you guys feel about two females? I think as previously mentioned, anyone of any gender can slap, hit, or curse and anyone. Which is why I feel not only for the kids safety but for my protection as a coach another gym employee must be present.

2: I don't talk/text at work. I'm a teenage girl, there's really nothing I have to say that is urgently important other than "Mom practice actually ends at 830 not 930" I understand if it's one of those 'My daughter is 9 months pregnant' or 'My dad had a heart attack' kind of instances. But I just can't multi-task that well
Ok to answer the original question first there should never be less than 2 adults in the gym if anyone is with an athlete. While doing privates I generally am in when something else is on in the gym so the coaches of that are in but I always ask the parents to stay as well. We have a viewing window and they have to stay on the other side during normal classes but when possible I do think it is good for them to be there during privates as they want to see they are getting what they paid for. We do have cameras in the gym however they are not set to normally record. They head coaching team can set them to record but they are generally used when we are in the offices for ourselves or the club manager to monitor rec classes and the like.

As far as the phone thing goes it depends with me. I never have it during privates as there is always to much to be done to bother with my phone and anyone who would need me in a hurry knows the gyms phone number and someone is normally near one of them when it rings. However during normal class I normally find I spend the first 5-10 minutes replying to parents who have sent a text to say their cp will be absent or answering questions about upcoming comps or many other weird and wonderful things they need to know asap. I also contact anyone who hasn't shown up 15 minutes after to class that I haven't heard from. Over summer training we have a lot of people cycle to the gym and I spent so many mornings worrying one of them had been knocked down on only to find out at the next class they had been grounded or they slept in.

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