College Tryout Tips

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Dec 27, 2010
My college tryout is less than 3 months away and I'm so nervous! I thought it would be cool to start a thread were veterans could give some tryout advice, do's, don'ts, and how to prepare :)

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You've got it girl! Did you decide to try out in person?

Research the style of the school you're trying out for! It's so important to understand what company they compete, because it makes a HUGE difference.

  • Probably looking for sharp motions, strong stunting skills, and a great game day presence.
  • Conservative, all American appearance. Don't show up to tryouts in a sports bra and Nike pros. Soffees or Nike running shorts, a tank and a subtle bow are appropriate.
  • Probably looking for strong tumbling and stunting skills & a bit of all star flash.
  • More of the all star style is appropriate for tryouts. Check with your school because Louisville, for example, wants you to go over the top with costumes and curls.
Show up ready to go with some time to spare. Stretch out on your own but feel free to socialize with the people around you. No one wants to be the awkward cheerleader in the corner!

Be willing to do whatever they ask of you. If you've based all your life, but they ask you to fly...say yes. Give them the disclaimer that "this is the first time I'm trying this," but take a stab at anything they throw at you. The exception there is tumbling--if they ask you if you have a full and you've never thrown a layout, DON'T TRY IT.

Don't let tryouts be the first time you tumble on a dead mat. It's really easy with proper technique, but it's always better to try in a less stressful place.

If you've never cheered on the sideline, consider doing a private lesson on cheering, projection and game day presence before heading into tryouts. The timid cheerleader without sideline skills is less likely to make the team.
You've got it girl! Did you decide to try out in person?

Research the style of the school you're trying out for! It's so important to understand what company they compete, because it makes a HUGE difference.

  • Probably looking for sharp motions, strong stunting skills, and a great game day presence.
  • Conservative, all American appearance. Don't show up to tryouts in a sports bra and Nike pros. Soffees or Nike running shorts, a tank and a subtle bow are appropriate.
  • Probably looking for strong tumbling and stunting skills & a bit of all star flash.
  • More of the all star style is appropriate for tryouts. Check with your school because Louisville, for example, wants you to go over the top with costumes and curls.
Show up ready to go with some time to spare. Stretch out on your own but feel free to socialize with the people around you. No one wants to be the awkward cheerleader in the corner!

Be willing to do whatever they ask of you. If you've based all your life, but they ask you to fly...say yes. Give them the disclaimer that "this is the first time I'm trying this," but take a stab at anything they throw at you. The exception there is tumbling--if they ask you if you have a full and you've never thrown a layout, DON'T TRY IT.

Don't let tryouts be the first time you tumble on a dead mat. It's really easy with proper technique, but it's always better to try in a less stressful place.

If you've never cheered on the sideline, consider doing a private lesson on cheering, projection and game day presence before heading into tryouts. The timid cheerleader without sideline skills is less likely to make the team.
Yup they moved tryouts back a week so I'm going in person! Thank you SO MUCH this information is awesome! I can both base and fly so I'm hoping that'll be an advantage. Tumbling is definitely my weak spot right now but I'm doing 2 privates a week!

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I think @retiredl5cheer covered most of it, especially about being sharp, clean, and having the collegiate look/style. The most annoying thing that I would see at my former college's tryout as a returner, when girls would still rally like they were in high school. Kinda like this…

The girl is super good, but the little wave thing she does before everything is my biggest pet peeve. I've also see the same jazz hand thing done with arms at a diagonal. Also, UCF has a video that has what to expect at their own tryouts, but it also gives a good look at what collegiate cheer teams look/act like:

Be willing to do whatever they ask of you. If you've based all your life, but they ask you to fly...say yes. Give them the disclaimer that "this is the first time I'm trying this," but take a stab at anything they throw at you. The exception there is tumbling--if they ask you if you have a full and you've never thrown a layout, DON'T TRY IT.
I agree 100% with this. Always be willing to try everything with a smile (except the whole tumbling issue). At tryouts I've been to, I've had bases I'm stunting with freak out about basing a back tuck basket for the first time with an experienced flyer. It took her over 5 minutes and us throwing multiple back tuck baskets with different bases to convince her to do it. Then when she finally did it, she was like "oh that wasn't bad at all," and she looked like a fool for freaking out about it for so long and wasting time when she literally does the same thing (throw and catch!) with a flyer who has done hundreds of back tuck baskets. I remember backing my first tuck basket and I was so freaking nervous, but I acted like it was no big deal and it turned out fine.
Also, technique, technique, technique! My team will take a solid and clean RO BHS tuck over a janky RO BHS full and a solid and clean heel stretch full down over a shaky, bobbling tick tock double down with helicopter legs every time. If you have the stunting technique, harder collegiate skills will come a lot easier.
And that's all I can think of… For now. Good luck!!!
My college tryout is less than 3 months away and I'm so nervous! I thought it would be cool to start a thread were veterans could give some tryout advice, do's, don'ts, and how to prepare :)

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What college are you trying out for? Is it one of the top competitive squads like Kentucky, Louisville, UCF, or Alabama or a non-competitive squad like Auburn or Florida?
Also if your tryout scoresheet has some sort of appearance/game day look portion on it, practice that too. Doing a fight song while trying to keep flying hair out of red lipstick can be strange at first. Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!
I think @retiredl5cheer covered most of it, especially about being sharp, clean, and having the collegiate look/style. The most annoying thing that I would see at my former college's tryout as a returner, when girls would still rally like they were in high school. Kinda like this…

The girl is super good, but the little wave thing she does before everything is my biggest pet peeve. I've also see the same jazz hand thing done with arms at a diagonal. Also, UCF has a video that has what to expect at their own tryouts, but it also gives a good look at what collegiate cheer teams look/act like:

I agree 100% with this. Always be willing to try everything with a smile (except the whole tumbling issue). At tryouts I've been to, I've had bases I'm stunting with freak out about basing a back tuck basket for the first time with an experienced flyer. It took her over 5 minutes and us throwing multiple back tuck baskets with different bases to convince her to do it. Then when she finally did it, she was like "oh that wasn't bad at all," and she looked like a fool for freaking out about it for so long and wasting time when she literally does the same thing (throw and catch!) with a flyer who has done hundreds of back tuck baskets. I remember backing my first tuck basket and I was so freaking nervous, but I acted like it was no big deal and it turned out fine.
Also, technique, technique, technique! My team will take a solid and clean RO BHS tuck over a janky RO BHS full and a solid and clean heel stretch full down over a shaky, bobbling tick tock double down with helicopter legs every time. If you have the stunting technique, harder collegiate skills will come a lot easier.
And that's all I can think of… For now. Good luck!!!

Thank you so much this was awesome!

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I started typing this up but my app crashed :( My college tryout tips take two...Trying to think of things that haven't already been said.

1). Like @retiredl5cheer said, don't be that awkward cheerleader in the corner! If you're afraid to go ad talk to some of the returning girls then just make friends with other freshman. It's always nice to have a friend in a scary (well if you find tryouts to be scary) situation.

2). Don't get frustrated if you are having trouble with something new (I know, I know, easier said than done!). Chances are someone else is struggling too.

3). If someone tells you a correction don't make up an excuse for what you did wrong or give a snippy response.

4). Keep smiling even if you mess up! Just ask @LeahofthePack how her fight song went freshman year... :D

I started typing this up but my app crashed :( My college tryout tips take two...Trying to think of things that haven't already been said.

1). Like @retiredl5cheer said, don't be that awkward cheerleader in the corner! If you're afraid to go ad talk to some of the returning girls then just make friends with other freshman. It's always nice to have a friend in a scary (well if you find tryouts to be scary) situation.

2). Don't get frustrated if you are having trouble with something new (I know, I know, easier said than done!). Chances are someone else is struggling too.

3). If someone tells you a correction don't make up an excuse for what you did wrong or give a snippy response.

4). Keep smiling even if you mess up! Just ask @LeahofthePack how her fight song went freshman year... :D

Thank you so much :) :)

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To add on to the already great advice in this thread:

Since you have a school in mind already really focus on how the veterans dress, do their hair, etc for tryouts. I walked into my school freshman year tryouts day 1 with a ponytail and bow. Not a big deal but ALL of the returners had curled half-up half-down with a ribbon. Also pretty obvious, but it hasn't been mentioned, wear school colors or clothing.

Some schools have open tryouts. Not a big deal, but something you want to mentally prepare for if your school does. You also may want to have someone in the crowd to cheer for you too if they are open! Some support in the stressful time is nice!

Our school would put signs, poms and megaphones out in front of the mat. They wanted to see how you handled yourself in a game situation. You are not required to use them, but they were there just in case. If the opportunity to use props is available make sure that you don't use them the entire time. Make sure they have time to see your good motions, correct wrists, etc and that they don't think you're hiding something by using them. I've seen some pretty awkward chants, etc from people stumbling with a sign, megaphone or poms. Make sure if props are available to use something you're comfortable with and that doesn't distract from your tryout.

When grouping up and pairing off for stunts, don't be shy! Make sure your friendly and open to working with people.
Some schools have open tryouts. Not a big deal, but something you want to mentally prepare for if your school does. You also may want to have someone in the crowd to cheer for you too if they are open! Some support in the stressful time is nice!
Yes! Be prepared for any type of judging situation. All throughout high school we tried out in small groups just in front of the judges but for college we did the cheer, dance, fight song & jumps in small groups, tumbling one by one and stunts like 5 girls at a time and all the sections were performed in front of everyone (judges--who were just the coaches--and all the girls trying out). I had no idea it would be done that way. Some schools will tell you on their tryout requirement sheet and some won't so you'll just get there and find out.
Yes! Be prepared for any type of judging situation. All throughout high school we tried out in small groups just in front of the judges but for college we did the cheer, dance, fight song & jumps in small groups, tumbling one by one and stunts like 5 girls at a time and all the sections were performed in front of everyone (judges--who were just the coaches--and all the girls trying out). I had no idea it would be done that way. Some schools will tell you on their tryout requirement sheet and some won't so you'll just get there and find out.
Exactly. This and the props were not discussed at ours. We showed up and surprise! Of course the veterans knew, but if it was your first year it was pretty shocking. Our judging panel also consisted of no joke about 15 different people. Coaches, school officials and lots of alums. Sort of an intimidating environment, but you can't let it effect you. Like others have said, you have to be prepared for and ready to roll with anything!
Exactly. This and the props were not discussed at ours. We showed up and surprise! Of course the veterans knew, but if it was your first year it was pretty shocking. Our judging panel also consisted of no joke about 15 different people. Coaches, school officials and lots of alums. Sort of an intimidating environment, but you can't let it effect you. Like others have said, you have to be prepared for and ready to roll with anything!
Ooo that's so intimidating! We do this thing where they teach us a dance and then we have to perform it for the judges after like 5 minutes of learning it so they can see how fast you catch on to and retain new material, and they don't mention it at all on the tryout sheet. At tryouts my freshman year they just said "and a little later we have a surprise for you" but we ended up running out of time for it that year thankfully because last year I totally bombed that part. Dancing is not my strength lol

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