All-Star What Was Your Favorite Thing About Nca?

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When Platinum and Obsession charged at each other and celebrated together after they tied for 1st!
Question about this situation... How did they get 2 trophies so quickly?!
My favorite, and most stressful part, will always be awards. But nothing compares to getting to be on the floor when a team wins. Seeing how important that moment is makes me appreciate my role in helping them achieve it. And standing next to them makes me feel like I WON NATIONALS, too.

Biggest Highlights:
1. PCM going nuts as they remained on the floor during Small Senior. You would have thought they had won when they made it to Top 5 and I felt like they DID win when they got 4th.
2. Texas Lonestar earning a PAID BID. Through a series of unfortunate circumstances, they didn't have one yet. It was a long time coming and well deserved.
3. Meeting Micah, the athlete who was in a car accident Feb 11 and put on his rehab sheet that his goals for the week, in addition to walking, eating by himself and going up and down stairs, was to make it to NCA Nationals. His mother sent a pic of him sleeping with the National Champion banner as his blanket.
4. Maryland Twister F5 KILLING IT in Finals. For whatever reason, that team has a difficult time HITTING in the Dallas arena. Tara Cain deserved that moment, and I'm glad she got it.
5. Top Gun's Omar tribute during the IOOC routine. I applaud Victor for going outside the box and creating a routine that had some legitimate emotional substance. I was touched.
6. Accidentally blocking the view of the live feed and hearing about over Twitter. Then, getting online at the end of the day to read all the 'hate' posts about 'the a-hole' blocking their view. LOL, I always wanted haters and now I have them.
6. Accidentally blocking the view of the live feed and hearing about over Twitter. Then, getting online at the end of the day to read all the 'hate' posts about 'the a-hole' blocking their view. LOL, I always wanted haters and now I have them.
See, I told you to wait until after the weekend for haters.
Spending time with my daughter since she is a senior and enjoying our last NCA together. Her team had some unfortunate incidents all week leading up to NCA. Illnesses. An almost emergency tonsillectomy but thankfully she was able to put it off to attend her first NCA as a senior and will have it done ASAP now. A sprained ankle the Tuesday during practice... Not sure if she could compete .. Another severely injured ankle done at a hs practice the last practice before we were to leave for Dallas. She could not compete. So we had to find an emergency fill in. It had been a very stressful week but they were determined to do their best on the floor. It didn't quite turn out the way they hoped :( and Sunday we had an injured athlete which made our hearts stop as parents. They went back out and finished the routine. So I could say nothing but negative things about this weekend but I got to spend it with my daughter and good friends. Our girls are determined to not let one bad weekend affect them. They had a lot of support and it was really nice to see the kindness from the cheer community.
- Everything ran like CLOCKWORK. Also loved how there was no downtime between teams. It made the day go by much faster and much more enjoyably.
- PCM Fantasy killing it on Day 2 and getting paid. I have met some of the nicest people from that program and I am truly happy for them!
- BSB breaking their curse!
- WE Generals. Enough said.

What I didn't like, people walking around int he aisles and rows of seats while teams were performing. Beyond rude. Many people clearly have no idea what "cheer etiquette" is and they need a lesson.
Also, Sunday it got so crowded in the arena and there we no seats to be had, yet people still kept going upstairs trying to find seats. It was scary thinking about what it'd be like if something were to happen in that arena.
I am afraid NCA might have to start not letting people in in the future, like Worlds last year.
Spending time with my daughter since she is a senior and enjoying our last NCA together. Her team had some unfortunate incidents all week leading up to NCA. Illnesses. An almost emergency tonsillectomy but thankfully she was able to put it off to attend her first NCA as a senior and will have it done ASAP now. A sprained ankle the Tuesday during practice... Not sure if she could compete .. Another severely injured ankle done at a hs practice the last practice before we were to leave for Dallas. She could not compete. So we had to find an emergency fill in. It had been a very stressful week but they were determined to do their best on the floor. It didn't quite turn out the way they hoped :( and Sunday we had an injured athlete which made our hearts stop as parents. They went back out and finished the routine. So I could say nothing but negative things about this weekend but I got to spend it with my daughter and good friends. Our girls are determined to not let one bad weekend affect them. They had a lot of support and it was really nice to see the kindness from the cheer community.
That sounds like our IOC5 team this year. We finally had to just end it for the benefit of all involved. First time in 8 years we don't have a team at Worlds but now we can get everyone healed up, schedules fixed to make a good run for next year. Hope everything works out and tell those kids to keep there heads up!
We had a lot of great experiences but I want to list my worse because my 8 yo is still upset about it.

To the lady (and I use that term loosely) who was saving seats in the Arena and who lied as every event attendant went up to her and asked her to move her things for her imaginary husband that was in the bathroom. Thank you for teaching my daughter that some people in the world can not be kind no matter what. We nicely asked you if we could sit there until your "husband" came back... yes we saw that your team had about 10 other seats open for "husbands" in the area right behind the judges. We said we would happily get up as soon as you needed the seat no questions asked and that way the attendants would no longer bother you... thank you for screaming and only moving your bag when the other adults looked at you and realized that what I was saying made sense (never mind they did not offer any of there blank seats)... yes we did not have a team performing that minute neither did you... my CP just wanted to see a couple of older teams (not even the BIG name ones) with the fire behind them to see how it looked - she was excited, she was 8 and at NCA until you shot her nasty looks the whole time - by the way she is 8 and could read your text and saw that you were telling everyone that you said get one of the dads to come and pretend to be your husband in the bathroom - real class "Lady".

I think some adults at this event needed to get their heads in order and remember not only do cheerleaders represent the gym we do to. To the parents who did allow my daughter to sit with them and chatted nicely with us and we did give them their seat back when the person came back - thank you for being kind. I wrote your gym owner today and shared what a lovely group of people you were. I hope it gets back to you.

I only wish that first "lady" had a team name and color that was not so popular because I certainly would have LOVED to write that gym owner as well. I understand if you are saving seats. I get it which is why I said my kid and I would leave no questions asked when you needed it - then no event person bothered you and we could get maybe 3 groups in which is about all my kid wanted to see (of course the fact that this lady was so nasty the whole time to my kid and I made it really nice). This was the worse part of NCA to us.
Best parts of NCA...

By far the love and sportsmanship between Spirit's Jr Coed 5 and Stingrays Green. These kids just met at Cheersport, but have been talking ever since and were so excited to see each other again. Seeing them circle up together at awards made my heart happy...and took away a lot of the sting of not taking home that jacket. I've never been that happy for a team that beat my kid! Lol

Top Gun's Omar dedication. And the young men from the team that my cp met and took pics with. Sweet.

The fun cp had meeting, taking pics, and trading with other athletes.

And of course, seeing in person the teams we've only watched on YouTube. The energy in the arena Sunday night was indescribable.

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