A small gym local to where I live, Fierce Allstars, burned down today. It's a great program from Franklin, Indiana in their third year. Please keep this amazing program in your thoughts and prayers while they look for a new home!
Prayers and positive thoughts would certainly be appreciated. Infinity All-Stars and Herndon High School coach Deven Song was in a very bad auto accident. He is stable but currently still unconscious and in Critical Care. Deven is an incredible coach and has unlimited positive energy. Please...
Hey everyone, I just made an awareness video to ask for everyones prayers and support for one of my cheerleaders that I coach who is currently at Boston Childrens Hospital with bacterial meningitis.
It started with a sinus infection and she kept being discharged from the local hospital but her...
Please keep these families in your prayers tonight!
Four Houston firefighters killed in massive motel fire near Southwest Freeway |
khou.com Houston
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Hearing about these massive tornadoes in Oklahoma, and I have family all over the state, so stay safe! We're sending prayers! I know it hit Edmond and OKC, right by Tribe Cheer and Twist and Shout. Thinking of you!!
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As most people probably know by now, a Stingrays coach was in a bad accident today. We've all come together many times, and we're needed again.
pRAYing for you Chris
Chris Gage, a Stingray coach who I coached Fire with two seasons ago, was in a horrible car accident. I would appreciate all your prayers for him, his family, and the rest of the Stingray staff. Thank you.
Prayers go out to those hurt and killed and families in the Boston Marathon attack... 2 People dead and 23 wounded in bombings. Crazy world we're living in.
Man I work with has a daughter running in that. Praying she is ok.
Less than 24 hours ago I visited Boston for the first time! It was an amazing city and I got to meet a bunch of atheletes that were running in today's race. What a national tragedy... my prayers and sadness for all effected
Hi y'all. Please take a minute and pray for Candice. She is a former Maryland Twister athlete and was just diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Her family has been a part of the Twister family for years and she has a younger sister who still cheers for the program. We love you Candice and we know...
Saw on tumblr that a girl from Funtastics Flyers named Skyler was diagnosed with Leukemia the other day. I was waiting for someone to post with more details but it hasn't happened so I'm doing it!
She shaved all her hair off before it started to fall off so she could donate it to kids who need...
From our friends at Pro Spirit: Please send your most intense prayers. Brittany Wright's (from Platinum) mother passed away this evening at their hotel. Please keep their family in in your prayers.
So heartbroken :( Thoughts and prayers to them! Much much love their way and to sweet...
I have never asked for prayers on here before, but need them now. Please take a moment to pray for little Taylor, one of our CCJFA cheerleaders. She was in a very bad car accident this morning. Taylor was flown to Tampa with a skull fracture and 10 broken bones in her face and is in surgery...
A Senior 1 athlete at my gym, Alexis, was in a really terrible car accident on her way to Mexico. She stayed in a hospital in Mexico for a while and was recently transferred to a specializing hospital in Texas.
Her right eye came out of its socket and her left leg was completely crushed...
Saw this through a Varsity FB post. This is posted on Dakota Spirit's Facebook page as of about an hour ago. So sad :(
Dakota Spirit Friends and Families;
It is with great sadness and deep anguish that I bring you tragic news of one of our beautiful DS families. This morning Alivia Coon...
Today there was a school shooting in an elementary school in Newton Ct, about 20 minutes from where I live. Right now there are around 20 confirmed deaths, most of them are children. It is a tragic event and I know the families will greatly appreciate prayers.
Cnn.com is having minute by...