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  1. X

    2.5 High Pyramid Pw Level 4

    I'm a pop warner coach and to max difficulty in level 4 you need a pyramid that passes through 2.5 high. Could anyone find me any examples of these? I've seen people do arabesque kick arounds but I cannot find any videos of them. PLEASE HELP :)
  2. Jamie

    Creative Level 2 Pyramids??

    Any Ideas? I want to figure out something that many people haven't seen??
  3. AshleyErin

    Level 3 Pyramid Transition

    Would a group to group front flip (with a two hand connection to a base on the ground) with a full twist be legal? another question: I witnessed a team in level 3 compete group to groups but with a connection to a shoulder sit, would that not be illegal?
  4. Allstarcesi

    Level 3 Pyramid Release

    Question, is a high to low with one prep level bracer legal (two outside groups executing with center bracing)? We have competed this once already but some part of me thinks its not. I've read and reread the rules and my eyes are now crossed. Any help is appreciated.
  5. embersglow

    All-Star Pyramid 'requirements'

    What skills would you say are necessary in a level 3 pyramid to max out? I've seen a lot of pyramids look the same but in a different order so I really want to try make our's more interesting, but without risking points! The Fierce Board App! || iPhone || Android
  6. Tori Vandepas

    High School Jv Pyramid Help...

    i need help with some ideas for the jv team i coach. We have a pyramid right now but i think its kinda boring and needs some work. If anyone could throw out some ideas that would be great. I have three groups and two fronts.
  7. A

    Pyramid Tic Toc

    Is a 1/2 turning high to high tic toc legal @ level four if connected to a braver at prep level or below. I know a regular one is but if it turns while released is it still legal? Thanks
  8. U

    Early Releases In Pyramids & Stunts

    Click For Full Article The most frequent violations so far this season have been related to early releases during pyramid release moves. When we refer to “Early Releases” we are saying the bracer and top person are not maintaining contact with each other. This … Continue reading →
  9. Tori Vandepas

    High School Pyramid Help

    I have a jv team of 18 girls they're pretty good with stunting and I'm stuck on pyramid!:( help!
  10. CXAcoach&mom

    Level 2 Pyramid

    My senior 2 is doing a Half in from the ground (backs to judges). They start by bracing the middle flyer and doing a half up to extended heel. Is that legal? I know you couldn't do it free standing but they are braced. ?? Thanks!!
  11. eferrig1

    High School Nfhs Pyramid Ideas For 13?

    The team I'm coaching has 13 girls. I'm having trouble coming up with a second pyramid idea for their competition routine. The first pyramid they're doing is a lib hitch in the center, with two halves on the sides--one holding the foot, the other linked by one arm. Does anyone have suggestions...
  12. Little Coach

    High School 10 Person Pyramid

    I have a team of 10 girls on my competition squad and cannot figure our what kind of pyramid I can do that is legal. Ive never had a team this small. Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
  13. Little Coach

    High School 10 Person Pyramid

    I have a team of 10 girls on my competition squad and cannot figure our what kind of pyramid I can do that is legal. Ive never had a team this small. Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
  14. C

    Level 3 Pyramid Question

    Shoulder sit, sponge, shoulder sit, all attached. Backspot of the sponge grips at flyers wrist, flyer does front layout ( braced by both stunts, with her own back spot holding flyers wrist). Legal in level 3?
  15. smontie

    High School Pyramid Rules Question

    I have a team of 11 girls, in MA, NFHS rules Three stunt groups. Middle group and one side group are full groups (2 bases, flyer and spot). The other side group is double based, no back spot. We are doing a braced back flip with continuous arm to arm contact to a cradle, and side bracers are...
  16. CVPcoachjake

    Level 3 Pyramid: Legal Or Illegal?

    I am a coach at an all-star gym in CT. I am looking to see if a section of our pyramid is illegal. The flyer starts in a squish but the backspot is in front of the stunt tossing from the shins. The flyer is braced on both arms and does a half twist release to a one legged extension so that the...
  17. Navy Coach 09

    Level 1 Pyramid

    is it legal in level 1 for two flyers, both of whom are braced separately by hand by people on the floor, to hold each other's legs in hitch and L-stand position? So there are two separate braced two legged preps whose flyers then transition to hitch and then L-stand with the other one legged...
  18. Tealxblack25

    Rec Pyramid Difficulty W/ Limited Kids !

    hello all, I was looking to see if anyone could offer some insight or videos on a difficult pyramid for an AYC routine .. we competed yesterday and our pyramid was good and hit but the scoresheet asks for "variety" and it says Variety/difficulty 2.8/5 we have 15 girls in the small red division...
  19. C

    Level 3 Pyramid

    I found this pyramid, I need someone to clarify how a few of these skills are legal in level 3. Starting with the attached toss. Then for the semi helecopter I guess I would call it, is it legal if all the bases and spotters release but the flyer is still in contact with the flyer? On this video...
  20. D

    High School Legal In High School Pyramid?

    Hello! Just a legality question here. I recently saw an opposing team do this stunt at a football game and was wondering if it was in fact legal. They had a girl jump in to a normal half/prep, they had a girl stand directly in front of the flyer and grab her hands. The bases dipped and the...