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  1. L

    Slow Motion Tumble Sequence In International Routine?

    Does anyone know the name of the international team from 2014 Worlds who had a slow motion tumble section in it at USASF & IASF Worlds? It was awesome, but I can't find it On Demand. Puerto Rico, Costa Rica? Please help!
  2. Royal elite athletics

    Music What Is The Hottest New Song Out For All Star Routines?

    We love the new song by Lil' Jon "Turned Down For What"
  3. Dan Spiers

    Music Individual Routine Music For $100

    Don't miss out! Only until the end of March 2014. $100 for up to one minute of music. 5 songs, 2 voice-over. $150 for up to one minute and 30 seconds. 10 songs, 4 voice-overs Contact us to inquire further. [email protected]
  4. paintdog1

    All-Star What Is The Future Of The Dance Portion Of Cheer Routines?

    I love watching well-executed cheer routines on ESPN, and I was wondering if anyone was doing any dance portions out of the ordinary and what the future for holds for routines. Any thoughts from you cheer-brainiacs? Thanks!
  5. Shaw5lee

    Individual Routines

    I've been hearing about people doing individual routines, how does that work? Does your gym have to offer it or do you just go out and somehow find a place to compete? And do you choreograph it yourself or do you need to get someone professional to do it? Do they offer individual competing at...
  6. Dan Spiers

    Music Individual Routine Mixes!!!

    End of February Rush! Individual routine mixes for only $100!!!!! Get up to one minute of custom music mixed. Anything above and beyond is extra. Don't wait!!!! Only on until the end of Feb! CheerMusic4U | Simply the best, and nothing less. [email protected]
  7. AngelsMum24

    All-Star What Happened To The Cheer In All Star Cheer Routines?

    A fellow coach didn't believe me when I said I haven't seen/heard a cheer in a routine in at least 3 years and that everything seemed to be voice overs now.
  8. Onfire381

    High School Difficulty Vs. Clean Routine

    My CP has been an All Star cheerleader for 5 years and I've read the rules for levels, know the deductions, etc. I can pretty much with good accuracy place the top 5 teams at a competition in order. This is my CP's 1st year as a varsity competitive cheerleader and I find the judging baffling...
  9. C

    Nausea And Dizziness After Routines

    I know that this may seem like an obvious answer (get in better shape, eat better, stay hydrated), but I'm having a really hard time with this. I understand that the nausea is normal, but the light headedness and dizziness is starting to scare me. I stay plenty hydrated and make sure to eat a...
  10. CheerRehab

    OT Level 1 Routines

    Does anyone have a favorite level 1 routine? Do share!!!
  11. Kentucky Girl

    College Kentucky's 2014 Nationals Routine

    Here are the Kentucky Wildcats cheerleaders performing their 2014 Nationals routine. And as always, Europe's "The Final Countdown" once again closes out the routine.
  12. J

    Help!!! With Routine

    Ok a came up with a dance and stunts and i have music but im drawing a complete blank on what to do for the cheer.....we are the Jo Byrns Red Devils! Jr Pro cheerleading team colors are black and red!!! can someone please help me
  13. BucksGirl

    Half Time Routine

    So I am one of three captains on the JV squad at me high school. We are coming up with our new halftime routine. We are including basic stunts such as show-and-gos, half ups, full downs, and a back walkover out of a cradle. In the beginning, we have a pretty intense jump sequence. Once freshman...
  14. Merrie

    Suggestions/advice For Individual Routine

    My daughter is 9 and doing a level 3 individual routine this year. This is the first time this has been done at our gym so the coaches and I are watching youtube videos and trying to put a routine together. Any advice, suggestions or helpful tips for those with experience performing an...
  15. Brittany Taylor

    Cheer For A Routine

    Hey everyone I'm a new coach and am looking for some help with a competition cheer our mascot is the Hawks and were red blue and white any suggestions would be a huge help thanks :)!
  16. ciarabriggs

    Music Routine Themes??

    My gym is basically forcing my team that I coach to have themed music and I can't think of ANYTHING that hasn't already been done and isn't over played. My team is a senior 1 called celebrities, my gym is called famous all stars. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks! The Fierce Board App! || iPhone...
  17. N

    Cheer Words For Routine

    Hello all I am new to coaching. I have a level 2 small team and I was looking for a cheer for our routine. It must be a minute long. Our mascot is bears. Place is beacon and colors are orange black and white. Any kind of help would be appreciated. Thanks!!!! The Fierce Board App! || iPhone ||...
  18. sassystarmom

    Warm Up Routine

    im looking for ideas on what ya'll do as a warm up for your team? trying to come up with something fun but useful for younger girls thanks!!
  19. Karen Hep

    Mini's Routine

    whats the usual number of 8 counts for a mini routine? somewhere around 40?
  20. hcheer19

    All-Star Allstar Routine School Powerpoint?

    So for school we had the opportunity to do a project on the subject of our choice, and I chose allstar cheerleading. I have a couple slides about things like levels, stunting etc. but for the last slide I'm going to put a 1:00 section of an allstar routine to show to the class. What impressive...