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  1. C

    Usasf L6 Credentialing Session

    We’ve added a final opportunity for Level 6 credentialing during the 2015-16 season. This will be the last time Level 6 credentialing is offered prior to the 2016 summer regional meetings... Comment On Article
  2. Perkyninjamomma

    All-Star Help! Usasf Membership

    My CP recently changed gyms. At her old gym, part of the $275 registration fee is the $30 USASF membership fee (have check to prove it was paid) The new gym she is at went to turn in the roster for comp this weekend...And my CP is showing she didn't pay her fees. Old gym never gave us log in...
  3. Keep_Believing

    All-Star Usasf Cheer Age Grid ?

    Saw this posted on USASF Cheer facebook page. It doesn't describe the proposed age grid when I log in. Can anyone see it? Thoughts? USASF Cheer 4 hrs · Cheer Age Grid: You can't really know unless you hear it all first hand. Log in & learn about the proposed concept. USASF Management
  4. C

    2015-17 Usasf Cheer Rules Update

    An updated version of the 2015-17 Cheer Rules is now available. The date on this release is August 27, 2015 and the intent is to clear up any questions raised at the summer Regional Meetings. There are 2 versions available... Comment On Article
  5. CheerDaily

    Usasf Releases 2015-17 Cheer Rules

    Click For Full Article The USASF Cheer Rules & Glossary for the 2015-17 rules cycle are available online now. Follow the link to view and download: USASF 2015-17 Cheer Rules & Glossary Notable Changes include: GENERAL SAFETY: Point Deduction will begin at 2:31 for any routines over time limit...
  6. U

    2015-17 Usasf Cheer Rules Update

    Click For Full Article An updated version of the 2015-17 Cheer Rules is now available. The date on this release is August 27, 2015 and the intent is to clear up any questions raised at the summer Regional Meetings. There are 2 versions available. One is the “Commented” version, which shows what...
  7. Ashley

    All-Star New Usasf Warmup Room Requirements

    Did anyone see this? CheerUpdates posted this last week.
  8. S

    Usasf: Safety Judge Certification & Cheer Programs With Multiple Locations

    Click For Full Article The USASF recently made 2 announcements. The first is additional dates and locations to get safety judge certified. The second is a call for owners of cheer programs with multiple locations to contact their regional directors. Additional Dates for Safety Judge...
  9. JayySoFierce

    Music Since The Usasf Is "cracking" Down.

    on songs in music with the "adding sfx over inappropriate words in songs in mixes", i've been left with numerous questions. Half of the time unless you're at a quality competition, the bass is so obnoxious you can't make out words unless you know the actual song. Also, there are words that...
  10. Snowchic798

    Usasf Regional Meeting - Costa Mesa... Roommate?

    Hi there! I am traveling from Nova Scotia, Canada, to the Costa Mesa, California, USASF regional meeting. Wondering if anyone is looking to share a room cost? Or knows anyone who is? :) Would like to meet some new people, and would also like to save a little money in the process! Thanks!
  11. S

    Usasf: Three New Dates For Safety Judge Certification

    Click For Full Article We’ve added two additional cheer and one additional dance Safety Judge Certification opportunity for 2015! All Safety Judge candidates are welcome to select any Regional Meeting location or one of these new locations in August and September for Certification. Click below...
  12. Shellie Nichols

    New To Fierce Board Have Usasf Level 1 Question

    I am new to this board, found it looking for an answer to a couple of questions..... 1) When discussing Level 1 pyramid, what exactly is a "stag", that is a new term to me 2) We are money poor youth football and cheer organization and so my Rookies (7 to 8 y/o) are stuck with my mediocre...
  13. C

    Usasf Member Update | Universal Score Sheet Process

    The work that began in 2012 with the Universal Score Sheet Committee and the NACCC has created a process that has narrowed the gap between the varied event producer scoring systems. Following the successful implementation of the Universal Score Sheet at Worlds in 2015... Comment On Article
  14. C

    Usasf Cheer Rules Team

    The U.S. All Star Federation (USASF) is pleased to introduce the team that will lead the cheer rules and safety initiatives for the organization. "All Star has grown and evolved in a way that the sport now requires a team of experts to best look out for the safety of athletes as they train and...
  15. C

    Usasf Image Policy

    As a reminder, the USASF Image Policy will be in full-swing during the 15-16 season. The most significant statement in the policy can be found under the Uniform Top Guidelines, which reads as follows... Comment On Article
  16. C

    Les Stella Leaves The Usasf

    Les Stella is a founding employee of the USASF and has contributed immensely to the establishment, growth and management of the organization... Comment On Article
  17. C

    2015 Usasf Regional Meeting

    With classes and seminars featuring everything All Star, you DON'T want to miss the USASF Regional Meeting near you this summer! FEATURING: Hands-On Coaching Sessions Business Building Seminars Networking Opportunities CHEER DANCE Safety Judge Certification Coach Credentialing Cheer Expert...
  18. C

    Usasf Has A New Address

    WE'VE MOVED! The USASF has moved to a new location and you're invited to take a virtual tour of our new offices! [click here] Here's our new toll free number and address: (888) 315-9437 U.S. All Star Federation 8275 Tournament Dr. Suite 325 Memphis‎ TN‎ 38125 Comment On Article
  19. S

    Usasf: Universal Score Sheet Process

    Click For Full Article The work that began in 2012 with the Universal Score Sheet Committee and the NACCC has created a process that has narrowed the gap between the varied event producer scoring systems. Following the successful implementation of the Universal Score Sheet at Worlds in 2015...
  20. S

    Usasf Cheer Rules Administrative Team

    Click For Full Article The U.S. All Star Federation (USASF) is pleased to introduce the team that will lead the cheer rules and safety initiatives for the organization. Alison Stangle has been named the USASF Director of Rules and Safety for Cheer and Jessica Legette is the new Safety Judge...