My issues with scoring:
1. As mentioned earlier, we need a system that can be in place for an extended period of years so coaches, judges, etc. can become fully educated.
2. NO SCORESHEET CHANGES MIDSEASON! Removing Switch Ups from the Rubric after choreography season (and the other 'clarifications' ) and in the heat of competition season SUCKED. Make your "clarifications" clear the first go around so there are not any issues.
3. Judges Training. Rewards teams for what they do, not for what they don't do.
4. Take that damned subjective creativity score in stunts and pyramids off the scoresheet. I highly doubt anyone is getting 4.0 difficulty with 5.0 creativity or vice versa. My scoresheets have been pretty dang similar, if not the same in these two categories. 4.8 stunt difficulty, 4.7 creativity. You made the difficulty range bigger, so why not include creativity in that? Its just a double hit if any given weekend a judge is different then the past.
5. More specific tumbling guidelines for standing and running tumbling. We have been 4.2-5.0 all year in standing difficulty for certain teams. Same passes, almost a full point different throwing three sets of varieties passes.
6. I might not make any friends over this one, but its fine, its my opinion. IN MY OPINION, "Big Gyms" typically have the edge in upper level creativity (Personally I think smaller gyms have the upper hand in lower level creativity). IN MY OPINION, I think creativity was added to the scoresheets because big gyms were losing to smaller gyms who were just cleaner back to years ago when you could actually say "Clean wins." Clean doesn't win anymore, you need the total package. Which I slightly agree with - It has pushed my personal choreography to an all time high, but truth be told, some teams I work with can't handle intricate choreography. Not all teams can handle A-Symmetry and all the flash. Some teams need to have some walking formations with simple motions or they take a hit on creativity (because its sloppy and doesn't show the true visual). I used to be able to choreograph teams years ago with a more simple take of a routine (All Symmetrical, Clean stunts and transitions) and they would do great. Now that is a thing of the past and everyone is expected to execute a World Champion Routine to even hang. Bring back the execution matters.
7. I truly believe there is a HUGE miscommunication between the deduction judge and the panel judges on how to score bobbles accurately. You can't bobble all over and still have a 4.9 execution AND not hit get with a deduction. I have seen this more than I would like to as a judge, coach and choreographer. Put Bobbles Back on the Scoresheet.
8. I would love to see the deductions for touch downs, bobbles and falls be much higher. Stunt Fall, 10 Points, Touch Down 5 Points. Bobble 3 Points. This would bring back a bit of "You have to hit to win" and hopefully improve the overall execution and lead to better coaching decisions to water down, and perhaps safety.
9. I have seen at almost EVERY multi-panel event this year a CLEAR difference in scoring (A high panel and a low panel). This directly effects teams going for end of year competition bids (Summit, Worlds, etc) I would like to see more training from the judges prior to an event to ensure all halls and/or panels are on the same page.
10. The same routine that hits back to back weekends should not be 8 pints different. (We had a team, with no changes in it, score an 89.9 and a 96.9 both with deduction free routines for the Same EP with the near exact same execution). Again, there needs to be a sense of industry standard for judges in regards to difficulty and execution.