Varsity was in a no win situation and would have faced scrutiny either way. To us, it's an intentional transition, however, to the team they would have kicked out in Semi's, they might say the judge was correct, that it's a drop to the floor (the actual wording in the rules is "drop" not "fall"). "But, they didn't get deducted at other comps"....again, extremely frustrating. With that said, rules are ultimately for safety, and not how many times it was overlooked correctly or incorrectly. If the rule's intent is to prevent taking children from stunt position to laying on the ground for safety reasons, then I would imagine there were probably coaches questioning why they were dinged in the past for similar transitions. Or, perhaps it was just an over zealous judge that saw the transition as unsafe and applied a rule that was never intended to be applied that way.
Unfortunately, this was not the first, nor will it be the last controversial call in sport history. I'm 100% sad and angry for CA Pride Electric, but I also understand another team got to go through Semi's because of this call and it's very likely many of their fans felt the call was appropriate. No win situation.