It really depends on the individual and the programs that they are involved in to determine whether all stars, high school cheer, or both would be a good fit. Many times, high school cheerleading coaches are teachers that get pulled to do the job or just whoever they can find, so it typically isn't the best run extracurricular unfortunately, but it can be fun to do things such as : travel to games, perform at pep rallies or local events, be involved in your school, and go to summer camp. Allstar gyms are a much more intense enviornment compared to most schools, and are a big time and travel commitment. They are great though for skill development, meeting others outside your school, and really pushing yourself to the limit.
I did both in high school, along with all AP classes and National Honor Society, and was captain my senior year......sometimes I got VERY stressed and overwhelmed, but I don't regret doing any of it. I gave up a lot of hanging out with friends, going to birthday parties, and just having random kid fun. It could be very challenging to make sure scheduling worked out between everything and I did homework on the bus to away games quite year, we had a coach that was AWFUL for scheduling high school cheer on the same day as allstar cheer even when he knew when our allstar practices were. Cheerleading was my life though, so I thought it was worth everything to make the sacrifices and difficulties because in turn I got to have a lot of once in a lifetime experiences from both types of teams. I am naturally an overachiever and slight perfectionist goody-goody however, so it worked for my personality and work ethic/character.
Ask yourself:
-Can I handle both commitments? (including time for homework and eating and breathing and sleeping)
-Am I willing to step up as a young adult and speak to both coaches to work out scheduling conflicts?(I suggest giving both coaches a schedule of your 2nd team AS SOON AS you find it out! this will minimize conflicts)
-Will I be able to prioritize and get everything done?
-Do I mind forgoing "friend/ normal teen stuff" in favor of a cheer event?
-How would I handle these situations?:
a. I have 2 practices near the same time frame. I may have to choose between the two or only go to half of a practice each...
b. I have an away game Thursday, and then am leaving for an away competition on Friday morning, but I also have a test that morning in a difficult class.
c. I will have to miss a fun team bonding event to go to the other team's practice.
d. I am asked to be captain for high school, but already have the commitments of allstars and regular high school cheer....could I handle the additional responsibility?