My least favorite part of cheerleading for sure!! Having to travel is a pain, but keep in mind that if you're able to finance the trips, you are better off than most people. It's a financial burden and takes time out of your schedule to travel, but some cheerleaders would do anything for the opportunity to go to big national events.
If you're in an area saturated with competitions, count your blessings! I went to college to be in a more "cheer-friendly" town. Some people commute hours to the gym, to compete on the same team as you. Most of us are in the USA. Go through the international boards & see what those athletes don't have that we take for granted.
Also--- parents, I know most of you are working overtime/two jobs/stressing out to book hotel rooms and spending your free time driving your kid to and from the gym and competitions. Chances are you haven't been thanked and your dedication to your athlete goes unappreciated by them. TRUST ME, the second your kid goes off to college and realizes all you did for them to keep them in a safe, healthy environment during their high school years they will be thankful beyond measure. It's hard work spending all of this time in a sport that doesn't have competitions on every corner of the map. Thank you guys for all that you do for your kids and this sport!!