All-Star Another Cheer Show - Liberty

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Since you asked.... :)

I watched all six episodes in one viewing, so obviously something drew me in. The actors (although not age appropriate) were pretty good, and the writing was as well.

There was not enough cheer imo, and I don't think that you captured the essence of the sport very well. The best way to explain this is that the scenes that contained cheer were the quietest. You did not capture the amazing energy that happens in a gym or when a team takes a mat. It felt more like a gymnastics meet. Quieter and more contained. If you want more than just cheerleaders watching this, I think it is essential that you find a way to highlight the intensity, frustration and joy that is involved. Take the series Friday Night Lights as an example. They needed a fanbase that was both into the drama of life AND the sport. They found a way to make the football scenes dramatic.
But each episode you were showing a little more about cheer and starting to show stuff, but where is episode 7? Did he break it to his dad yet that he is going to cheer? Did someone get hurt that since he's an alternate now he is taking their place? We see a uniform in the avatar but haven't seen it on anyone yet. I didn't care for Secret Diary, I don't even remember why now, but it didn't hold my interest, but I watched all of these.
oh, I almost forgot.... the mamabear in me also needs to question the need for the closeup butt shots in what I think was episode 3.

oh, I almost forgot.... the mamabear in me also needs to question the need for the closeup butt shots in what I think was episode 3.

Their perspective, I guess. :rolleyes:

It was kind of cute how nervous he was about that grip for the chair sit.

And I will never understand how Kelly's mom could have been so selfish!

For the record, I'm hooked.

I'm keeping my eye on Jason's ex because she seems SUPER jealous and (will soon be) stalkerish.
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My CP and I watched it all the way thru. She kept saying "they're so old!"
Ok, so several hours ago I was dozing off reading the board and I decided to watch the first episode.

I was bored and falling asleep.. The second episode I was a little curious and started the third but honestly though I would be asleep in minutes!!
And then I got hooked! Yes I just finished all of them!!

Keep in mind it's 5:50 am where I'm at right now and I haven't went to sleep yet so I'm probably a little delirious but they keep getting better!

I actually will be upset with you if the rest of the episodes take forever to come out!!!

So Jason is cute, I'm sure he is over 18 in real life so I can say that right?
I'm so excited and I hope he gets to compete! His dad bothers me! His little football friend is kind of annoying too! I can't wait to see more of his character!

Kelly- I like her now. I didn't like her in the first few episodes because I thought she was a witch. I only wish she looked more like her "younger" character in the flashbacks. They don't look anything alike and it took me a minute to figure that out! Kelly made me so happy at the end of that 6th episode I almost cried! (As did Jason)

Jason's ex girlfriend needs to leave my bf alone! Lol

I like that it is showing more cheer, but I also feel like I'm building a relationship with the characters!

I think it's great and can't wait to see more!

Oh and I know you asked people to email you and then also include info about us.

I'm a cheer mom in south Texas at a gym called Stars Vipers! My daughter is 9 and on a junior 3 and she would have watched it if she wasn't asleep! I might ask her if she wants to watch them tomorrow to catch up that way when the rest come out we can watch them together!
They're based out of Florida, they did a commercial for Nfinity (the one that has the F5 people hugging and screaming at the end- features a lot of footage from 2011).

Probably where they got the idea for it. I...also feel like I've seen this casting notice before.
That explains the shoes Kelly's mom gave her.

They lingered a few seconds on that Nfinity logo haha.
Finishing Episode 1:

A 35 year old should not be playing a HS senior.
The teacher's voice was incredibly sultry when addressing Jason and David.

Outside of that, I'm not sure I'll make it through 6 episodes. Better than Secret Life yes, but not something that I could see having commercial success.
Finishing Episode 1:

A 35 year old should not be playing a HS senior.
The teacher's voice was incredibly sultry when addressing Jason and David.

Outside of that, I'm not sure I'll make it through 6 episodes. Better than Secret Life yes, but not something that I could see having commercial success.
It's gets better with every episode!! If you could just make it there!
I just watched the first episode and i liked it. I will have to agree with everyone else on the actors being too old to look like high school students. I will also say that guys in high school don't really talk like that. haha But I like where it is going and can't wait to watch more.
Emailed the guy, but thought I would add my commentary here. I watched all of the episodes. I'm hooked, but it wasn't instant. Honest Opinion.

It starts slow. REALLY slow! The pilot is hard to get through. Had I not been avoiding sleep, I wouldn't have continued with the episodes. It gets better, but I don't know how many people will push through to get to that point. I didn't start to get hooked until episode 3 or 4 maybe.

I think marketing it as a cheer show is somewhat misleading. It took 3 episodes to get some cheering in there, and even after that it's minimal. I ended up caring to find out what happens next, so something there is working. Its more of a mini-series/drama that has a little bit of cheer in it. It has more football and school scenes than anything. I think if people are watching for a cheer show they will be disappointed. Again once invested it works, but I don't know how many people will get there.

And more opinion that's too late to do anything about!
- Young Kelly and Current Kelly look nothing alike, not even somewhat. I was lost for a while, and when I figured out they were her flashbacks, it was still hard to wrap my head around.

- For the most part the acting is decent. I'm glad Amy got dropped from the episodes. Her acting was pretty bad. The best friend is kind of annoying and definitely looks 30 plus. The football dads acting is also less than stellar. The teacher isn't very believable as a teacher or a coach. Something about her bothers me, maybe its that she's dry on camera.

- The main characters are likable. Good casting! A lot of them do seem a little old though!

- Found it a little amusing that they kept making "daddy's boy" remarks to Jason because of his fancy car... aka a late 90's mustang? Maybe I'm just living in a spoiled world but it was odd to keep mentioning at that. :confused:

- I'm happy there is real & good cheerleading featured.

- The music, graphics, writing and editing is done well. The filming also seems to be done well. I also like that it's not just one big product placement ad.

- I like that the episodes are a decent length, unlike a lot of shows we've seen over the years. That's always a top complaint on these boards. I just wish that more of it was cheer focused.

- The intro song is a little long, though I guess most the time people aren't watching all the episodes in one sitting. Seeing it once a week wouldn't be as annoying as sitting through it 7 times in one sitting.
Finishing Episode 1:

A 35 year old should not be playing a HS senior.
The teacher's voice was incredibly sultry when addressing Jason and David.

Outside of that, I'm not sure I'll make it through 6 episodes. Better than Secret Life yes, but not something that I could see having commercial success.
Only because the girls aren't running around half naked, cat fighting and performing sexualized routines.

Gotta love Hollywood.
I made it though not easily. Outside of the older casting, two big issues for me for realism. Brittany can be a ragging b from hell, but not in front of the coaches. I don't know a single coach who would stand by and watch her tear apart someone and only reply with 'let me do the coaching.' Also at the cheer party, 3 intros isn't least make it look like everyone else is too. Second issue is Kelly and Nathan. No catch should be trying to date a senior girl...period. It makes me cringe a lot.

I like Kelly, her cousin is manageable, Daniel is too sleaze ball, but Jason sorta fits. I think Stacy needs better lines and not always sound so direct and Coach Connor is way too dry.

It wasn't the worst series I've ever watched, but not the best either. For being about cheer, it lacks cheer.

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