Bases Help?

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Mar 23, 2014
Hi, I just started cheer this year and I was a flyer, but I didn't like it and I don't think it was the best position for me. I'm too short to back and I wanna tryout as a base but I'm not the strongest person and I'd be basing people bigger than me. Do you have to be really strong to base and any tips to get stronger soon?
My flyer is 3-5 inches taller than me and probably weighs the same as I do. I had always had smallish flyers for the other 7 years I had been cheering, so I realized I was pretty weak once I started basing her. Some things really helped me get stronger:

- Wide-armed push ups (hands spread apart)
- Diamond push-ups (hands touching to make a diamond)
- 8-count push ups (turn on cheer music. SLOWLY go down 1234, hold 5678, push up 1234, hold 5678, repeat) These kill.

- Hollow body holds and planks
- Mountain climbers
- Butterfly kicks
- Pike-ups, tuck-ups and v-ups

- Squat jumps (like frog jumps but spread your legs out, squat until your butt nearly touches the ground, and bring your knees up when you jump. Hands behind your head) These also kill.
- Lunges and lunge holds
- 1-legged squats
- Calf raises

- Burpees/up downs
- Get with a stunt group and have all of the bases sit on their knees and feet. Turn on cheer music and get in a smush. On 1 dip for an extension staying on your knees and feet! Don't stand up. Smush on the next 1. See how many of those you can do in a row. This exercise REALLY helps you realize the value of using your legs in a stunt, but also really works your core, shoulders and arms. It also helps the flyer focus on staying tight even when the bases are wobbly and tired.
- A full out routine! Ha :)

These (as well as reps on reps on reps with my stunt sequence) helped me become one of the strongest bases on my team going into this year, when last year I walked on as the weakest. Just like nobody is "too big" to fly, nobody is "too small" to base. If I were you I would learn the technique of basing with an experienced stunt group and coach before tryouts so you know you are being taught properly. It might be tough at first but be willing to work hard and push through even if things aren't hitting. If your coaches see that drive and you work hard all summer, you can do it!!
The biggest tip ever is use your legs!!! Tooo many people use there back along with their arms to try and lift which will just end up hurting. Sure doing it that way might seem easy, but it is not fun going through full outs with a hurt back. LEGS LEGS LEGS is the biggest thing I can stress.

** Also remember technique. It is always your friend

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