All-Star Bribes For New Skills

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I have never bribed my cp for a new skill- I normally just joke around with her saying that if she wants to have a ride home she'll throw that double (she has her layout lol)- if she's really struggling but still powering through her practice we'll go get Starbucks, not as a reward just a yay you did good today even though it was a rough day. It's not every time which makes it special for her.

Now with that being said.... she kept asking for a certain video game for months and I was tired of hearing about it and one day I just cracked and said "FINE, you win UCA and I'll buy you the stupid game" knowing in the back of my mind that it would never happen....... yeah I bet you can guess what happened- they won :banghead:..... so when we got back home I had to go pre-order the stupid thing which was set to come out in April..... joke was on her though our platform doesn't come out until June ;)
my parents paid me for grades on my report card, but it never felt like bribery. it was usually something like $5 an A but I still remember one class I STRUGGLED in and pulled off a B and I think I got a $10 bill. it was more a reward for the hard work they knew I put in. and it was never presented to me as "if you get an A I'll give you $5..." more of "that toy you really want costs $X, you can earn $X" It literally felt like a job where you're paid a salary lol

That being said I was never bribed for anything athletically or musically or artistically for all the activities I was in. I think my mom actually did the opposite. When I had particularly rough days of practice or was really getting frustrated we'd go for ice cream. sometimes your kid just needs a hug and pick-me-up to know they're not letting you down :)
I think it is a Terrible Idea. I coached, judge and have a CP. I pushed her SO hard when she was younger (she just turned 10) under the guise of helping her. I was AWFUL. I bribed, yelled, and pushed her so hard that she started to hate the sport. Then she developed a major tumble block. I continued to push and bribe. The bribe worked momentarily and then she would block again. I would lose my ish. Last season everything came to a head and I had to make some MAJOR changes for her. We switched gyms and I BACKED off. I celebrate her accomplishments and hug her when she's had a rough practice. She has worked her butt off to break her block. She did break her block without an incentive just love and support from me and her coaches.
When I was in middle school, probably 12 or 13 years old, my mom offered long term incentives for most things I did. For example, one summer she told me that if I got my back tuck before school started she would give me $300. It wasn't so much of a bribe as much as it was motivation to continue to work hard over the summer and not drop back and lose progression that I had gained throughout the season. It worked. I went to every tumbling class offered and all of my practices and extra camps and by the end of that summer I had all level three tumbling skills.

She used to do that with many things though. If I got straight A's for an entire school year, I would get a new phone. If I didn't get grounded for any behavior related incidents for six months, I got an iPod. Things like that. I used to love it and it gave me (what was at the time) long term goals and things to push for at that age.
I see nothing wrong in celebrating an achievement, but I have a problem with mom or dad having to "bribe" them to for them to do something. If your cp wants it bad enough, getting the skill and working for it will be reward enough. I question the motivation behind a parent saying "come on Susie, do this and I will buy you X". Seems that the parent wants it more than the kid. Let the kids want it on their own. This is their sport not the parents.
When I had particularly rough days of practice or was really getting frustrated we'd go for ice cream. sometimes your kid just needs a hug and pick-me-up to know they're not letting you down :)

This. We do after practice treats whether it be a trip to fast food (something we almost never do), go out to dinner, have a movie date, ice cream...etc, etc, but I never make it about's just about us bonding.
Not going to lie I've definitely been 'bribed' ( and I use that term loosely, I'd call it more of motivated ) in sports before, so has my brother. I was feeling discouraged my freshmen year of high school when I was playing soccer because of some of the nasty things older girls were saying and my mom said " hey, you go show them how talented you are- if you get a starting position I'll get you a brand new pair of cleats that will have them all drooling, " Sure enough I was starting left defender and had the best looking cleats on the team. She's offered rewards like that for grades too, or she would say "If you go to school every day until your birthday (late February) than you can have that day off," I never saw it as being bribed though, only as motivation to do better. My father says it best, I'm smart and talented but extremely lazy in personality so sometimes I needed that extra push in school or sports.
My mom used to bribe me with more privates, if that's even a thing to be bribed with lol...

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I am guilty of this. But I don't call it a bribe....I call it a reward. My CP gets some sort of a reward with every new skill she earns. I see nothing wrong with that. Whatever skill is next in line for her to learn in order to progress is what she will get a reward for next. This started when she was a tiny trying to get her back kick over. Last skill she just got was her round off BHS back tuck. So I bought her a shirt at our last comp that had been eyeing up all season that says, "Baby got Back Tuck." I told her when she gets her BHS tuck I'll get her the shirt. She got the skill she was working on so I got her the shirt. I don't push her. I don't constantly talk about it or say, "CP if you do this mommy will buy you diamond earings." No, I don't do that. But, I do congratulate her with a little gift if she gets her skill. She worked hard for it. Therefore, I feel like she earned it.
Well, the six days ago Starbucks incentive didn't block or crush my CP, she landed 7 standing tucks last night on the 5-6-7-8 on the lines moving back to the next line each time with her row while eight coaches watched intently. She was beyond excited for herself and we drove straight home after, too, no stop for reward. ;):D And it wasn't the Starbucks offer for three standing tucks last week that finally drove home she could do it, (she also had been landing them some before but was losing faith) it was the tip from a new coach to gym she got night before at the tumbling class she went to that made the light go on for her. Very happy for her.

And that fist bump he gave her for good job as she was walking from back of mat to get back in line, she'd take that over Starbucks any day.

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