lets not let facts get in the way of good mud slinging. I agree with MsTealToYou... it is a double standard when it comes to "business practices". CEA is "dirty", or "shady" when they open a gym near another gym in the state. Lets not acknowledge the fact that we (CEA) had over 80 athletes driving the 2 hours to get to K-ville (many for level 5 teams). With that many driving, why not open another gym and allow us to get closer to fielding a team in all the worlds divisions? But that is shady, and we are clearly "stealing" athletes. Success "recruits" or "steals" athletes... all we offer is an open door to whomever wants to join the family. There is a prevailing narrative amongst some of the other gyms in our area about how AWFUL the Popes are as people and coaches... then we get a few kids in from those gyms, and all we hear from them is about how wrong everything they were told was. About how they were openly lied to by their old coaches about CEA. I could put you in contact with at least 20 right now who have left some of our closest (proximity-wise) competitors... and they are a part of the army now... sold out... because they see how it REALLY is in the gym. I have seen MANY of these other gym owners show their rear ends to former athletes and other gym owners, but I have never once seen my gym owner do it. But she is the "shady" one.... RIGHT.
The fact that you add One United to this list just makes me laugh... you are clearly one of the (VERY predictable) group of people who spew HATE at everything CEA does, or you just dont know that whole story.
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