This whole list is officially a laughable parody. I'm going to assume that level 6 is excluded, and they might as well have taken out international. % of skills in a routine, IOC 5 may be one of he most talented divisions. To ONLY place Wildcats in the top 25, and at number 6 is an utter embarrassment to this list. Many may even argue they are the best in the world. I really don't want to assume the top 3 unlisted is TGLC, black ops, Nfinity, senior Elite. However, Nfinity, if not placed, has consistently placed well or won worlds/nca a few times within the last several years. And I love me some large senior f5 and senior Elite, but to place orange that low after their consistent victories, and some large seniors who rarely touch top 3 (besides U$A$F slip n slide year) is also questionable. I am also rusty on my facts, but senior elite won worlds most recently in 2013 correct? Rant over