Some constructive criticism and feedback to the CL people (not that I think they're reading)
1. Great concept. The logistics were a mess.
2. Love the individual seating! However, you need ushers or better markings to figure out where sections, rows and aisles are.
3. Love the lanyards and credentials being color coded etc.
4. Staff members should be clearly identified with polo shirts or some official credentials. When a kid in a gray hoodie who looks 15 is ordering people around....that's not terribly credible to anyone.
5. Walk through metal detectors are useless with crowds that size. Stick to wands and individuals searching bags. The walk throughs went off on basically everyone but no one wanded them even after the walk throughs went off.
6. Warm up room security. No one was checking wrist bands to get in/out this afternoon and anyone could (and did) walk right into the warm up room to watch teams. I thought it was neat to watch, I had my wristband.. It's only that no one was manning the door to check it.
7. Liked all the pro shops!
8. It was quite nice to not have a sea of iPads in front of you.
9. We all survived without phones for a bit (well most of us, see number 5)
10. On the whole I actually thought all the teams looked good. Yes there were minor issues here and there but all in all the teams put on a great show!
I think this is a good concept that will get better if they seek feedback and authentically address the logistical issues (the line to get in for one and staying on schedule for another) they had today.
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