Cheer Curls!

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Apr 15, 2011
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Whats everyone think about cheer curls? My team doesn't wear them anymore because if they fall out its a pain to deal with! I think they're cute and add a lot of glam but thats just me ;)
Pesonally I like to half up half down straight. Looks so much cleaner but my daughters team does the curls, not a fan
We did them for my high school team and for the most part it worked. I personally like half up half down with a poof, a big bow, and curly hair but that didnt always work for high school. I feel that curls can look good if everyone does their hair the same way with a poof and bows but sometimes people use different curlers ( large, small, foam, cage, perm rods) so the curls end up all looking much different :/
my hair is really short and strait so it does not curl but i think it looks great!
I think it gives more sass to a routine. Personally I LOVE curls. Theyre a pain in the butt to do but on the flooor I feel like it just looks better with head whips and such. def gives more sass:)
Whats everyone think about cheer curls? My team doesn't wear them anymore because if they fall out its a pain to deal with! I think they're cute and add a lot of glam but thats just me ;)

Are you talking about wiglets or actual curls? If you're talking wiglets, they are terrible. Thank god teams have stopped using them. They look fake, and when they fall out, it looks like a rat lying on the floor :eek:

I like nice, tight natural curls. Some teams look amazing (MD Twisters for example).
well we used to use the kind that are fake and you tighten them around a bun, these are what they look like

HATE the fake ones and unless you do a good job rolling(hate it when the ends sitck out at end of curl) they don't look good!
We sleep in curlers overnight and wear it half up half down. It's the worst sleep ever but I think it's cute and girly (we're an all girl sr 5 team). We have team hair curling/movie parties :) lots of fun.
Oh my, we have used those fake curls in the past. (I wasn't head coach back then) I hated them as it was just a few of us Moms that got stuck putting them in all the girls hair.

And the "rat on the floor" comment was right on spot. So glad we don't use them anymore, but I do still have my daughter's, LOL.

Half up/Half down straight is my favorite way to wear hair.