- May 28, 2013
- 125
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Pictured above: Michelle- Mom of Amellia (J2)/co- creator of The Locked Out Cheer Moms; Stephanie- Mom of Alexis (J3/Sr3)/co-creator of TLOCM;Sarah- Mom of Alyssa (J2/J3) and Atley (J2); Gabby- Mom of Molly (Sr 3) and Fiona (Tiny 1); Ashley- Mom of Lachlyn (J2)
A couple of fun, feisty and Certifiably CheerMADs from Kentucky have taken to social media to give us a new way to shake our heads in agreement and laugh at ourselves, worthy of the CheerMAD Stamp of Approval!
Initiated on a dare just last Sunday, The Locked Out Cheer Moms "Camo" video had 11,000 views on her personal Facebook page by Wednesday morning; so many that TLOCM co-creator Stephanie Warren started a Facebook page and named it "The Locked Out Cheer Moms."
"This started totally as a dare," Stephanie explained. "We were on the first night of a two week "lock-out" where parents aren't allowed into the gym for two whole weeks as we lead up to Showcase."
When Stephanie arrived at their gym; Triple Crown Allstars, she found her friend Michelle Nutters asleep in her car. Stephanie says she's been around cheer her whole life, cheering in high school and has been a cheer coach since she was 16 all through college and then at the All Star level. She calls Michelle a "accidental cheer mom" after Stephanie "begged" her to have her daughter cheer.
Like so many others, both women drive 45-minutes each way to practices. Since this is not enough time to return home and come back to the gym, they wait in their cars in the parking lot when they are locked out of the gym.
After waking Michelle up, Stephanie says they were sitting in the car catching up, when she noticed a camo suit that Michelle's son had left behind.
"Kind of half-joking, Michelle said 'I dare you to put this (camo suit) on, and scale the wall,'" Stephanie explained.
" I told her 'Don't dare me,'" she said with an easy laugh and in her friendly Southern drawl.
Backed by a well-known, stealth-like music, the 30 second video shows Stephanie peeking into the windows and door of their gym.
"It's funny because, we've all tried to see a practice we aren't supposed to see by parking strategically to look into the gym or take a peak through the curtain during warm-ups," Stephanie said.
"You can't tell me that we all don't," she added.
Click here tow watch The Locked Out Moms of Cheer Camo video
They snap-chatted the video to their gym owner; Samantha Alongi. She loved it, Stephanie sai,d and told them they should put it on Facebook. The video was received so well by friends and family with 562 "Likes" in two days. The video's reception encouraged Stephanie and Michelle to make a commitment to each other post a new video every Sunday afternoon.
"The two of us will always be a part of it but we'll be joined by moms from all different teams," Stephanie said. "We're careful to show that 'We're not making fun of you. We're making fun of all of us."
"It's all light-hearted fun that we can all relate to."
Click here to watch The Locked Moms of Cheer Bad to the Bone video No. 2
A second video was posted Tuesday night featuring the co-creators and some other cheer moms walking into Triple Crown to AC/DC's anthem "Back in Black" featuring in order of appearance: Sarah- Mom of Alyssa (J2/J3) and Atley (J2); Michelle- Mom of Amellia (J2)- co-creator of TLOCM; Stephanie- Mom of Alexis (J3/Sr3)- co-creator of TLOCM; Ashley- Mom of Lachlyn (J2); and Andrea- Mom of Tatum (J2) and Bella (Mini 1).
"We're going to introduce more moms as we go along," Stephanie said. "We'll have some guest posters and invite people to send in their own pictures and videos after we get going and are more established."

Pictured above: Michelle- Mom of Amellia (J2)/co- creator of The Locked Out Cheer Moms; Stephanie- Mom of Alexis (J3/Sr3)/co-creator of TLOCM;Sarah- Mom of Alyssa (J2/J3) and Atley (J2); Gabby- Mom of Molly (Sr 3) and Fiona (Tiny 1); Ashley- Mom of Lachlyn (J2)

A couple of fun, feisty and Certifiably CheerMADs from Kentucky have taken to social media to give us a new way to shake our heads in agreement and laugh at ourselves, worthy of the CheerMAD Stamp of Approval!
Initiated on a dare just last Sunday, The Locked Out Cheer Moms "Camo" video had 11,000 views on her personal Facebook page by Wednesday morning; so many that TLOCM co-creator Stephanie Warren started a Facebook page and named it "The Locked Out Cheer Moms."
"This started totally as a dare," Stephanie explained. "We were on the first night of a two week "lock-out" where parents aren't allowed into the gym for two whole weeks as we lead up to Showcase."
When Stephanie arrived at their gym; Triple Crown Allstars, she found her friend Michelle Nutters asleep in her car. Stephanie says she's been around cheer her whole life, cheering in high school and has been a cheer coach since she was 16 all through college and then at the All Star level. She calls Michelle a "accidental cheer mom" after Stephanie "begged" her to have her daughter cheer.
Like so many others, both women drive 45-minutes each way to practices. Since this is not enough time to return home and come back to the gym, they wait in their cars in the parking lot when they are locked out of the gym.
After waking Michelle up, Stephanie says they were sitting in the car catching up, when she noticed a camo suit that Michelle's son had left behind.

"Kind of half-joking, Michelle said 'I dare you to put this (camo suit) on, and scale the wall,'" Stephanie explained.
" I told her 'Don't dare me,'" she said with an easy laugh and in her friendly Southern drawl.
Backed by a well-known, stealth-like music, the 30 second video shows Stephanie peeking into the windows and door of their gym.
"It's funny because, we've all tried to see a practice we aren't supposed to see by parking strategically to look into the gym or take a peak through the curtain during warm-ups," Stephanie said.
"You can't tell me that we all don't," she added.
Click here tow watch The Locked Out Moms of Cheer Camo video
They snap-chatted the video to their gym owner; Samantha Alongi. She loved it, Stephanie sai,d and told them they should put it on Facebook. The video was received so well by friends and family with 562 "Likes" in two days. The video's reception encouraged Stephanie and Michelle to make a commitment to each other post a new video every Sunday afternoon.
"The two of us will always be a part of it but we'll be joined by moms from all different teams," Stephanie said. "We're careful to show that 'We're not making fun of you. We're making fun of all of us."
"It's all light-hearted fun that we can all relate to."
Click here to watch The Locked Moms of Cheer Bad to the Bone video No. 2
A second video was posted Tuesday night featuring the co-creators and some other cheer moms walking into Triple Crown to AC/DC's anthem "Back in Black" featuring in order of appearance: Sarah- Mom of Alyssa (J2/J3) and Atley (J2); Michelle- Mom of Amellia (J2)- co-creator of TLOCM; Stephanie- Mom of Alexis (J3/Sr3)- co-creator of TLOCM; Ashley- Mom of Lachlyn (J2); and Andrea- Mom of Tatum (J2) and Bella (Mini 1).
"We're going to introduce more moms as we go along," Stephanie said. "We'll have some guest posters and invite people to send in their own pictures and videos after we get going and are more established."