Promise my post wasn't specifically directed at you or any particular poster, for that matter (though it certainly does come off that way).
I was just commenting on the constant back and forth in this thread. Someone would ask who was behind the twitter, another person would drop some sort of hint, then someone else would become upset that they were spoiling the surprise--these same people just happened to know who this elusive wonka already was.
Honestly, I had never heard of the cheeringwonka prior to this thread. So there was no "illusion" to be ruined. But, it's kind of like when someone says they have something to tell you then are like "nevermind, nevermind, it doesn't matter." You just HAVE to know now, even it's something really stupid.
Sorry, I'm just not buying that you were just looking out for the lucky ones who still believed in Santa. Maybe I'm too cynical, stubborn, bitter or all of the above, but regardless thanks for being an honest little spade :)