Welcome to the fierceboard!
Brandon had deductions day one and was behind SSX by only 0.35 points, so with no deductions day 2 it was clear that their score for day 2 would be higher. As far as I have read on twitter, SSX increased their difficulty by changing tumbling and the pyramid, but I guess that those changes didn't increase their score enough to make up the "extra-points" BSW received on day 2 for no deductions.
I would love to know where you heard that SSX raw score was higher than BSW's raw score.
The top teams in almost every divisions are incredibly close score-wise this year. Nobody is guaranteed a win this year - even if they hit. With scores so close, teams can easily move up/down a couple of places with/without deductions such as a stunt bobble or a tumbling omission.
This is something I wrote yesterday:
Here are the scores of the three top teams:
Day 1: 97.6 / 97.4 / 97.05
Day 2: 98.31 / 98.0 / 98.2
Final: 98.13 / 97.85 / 97.91
(LL / SSX / BSW)
any single mistake as small as a sb (stunt bobble) could have changed those placements. There were only 0.28 points difference between first and third place; 0.34 points between first and fourth.
I just watched the videos of the top three, especially BSW and SSX. I don't think that BSW outscored SSX in difficulty (most things were pretty equal, with their tumbling being weaker than SSX), but their execution was a lot better, especially in tumbling.
Hope this helps a bit with your confusion about scoring.