Tryouts Are Coming Soon If Not Already Happening! Few Questions.
Tryouts Are Coming Soon If Not Already Happening! Few Questions.
What Exactly Is College Tryout Apparel?
What Should You Wear To Open Workouts Before Tryouts And Tryouts?
What Shouldnt You Wear?
What Type Of Attitude Is Appropriate?
Getting To Know The Coaches.... Bad Or Good Thing?
If Your Not Confident In A Skill Do You Fake Your Confidence Or Tell The Coach?
1. As far as apparel that varies from college to college. Look into emails, flyers, and on the cheer website to see if there is a required attire for tryouts. If there isn't, I recommend wearing a plain colored shirt and soffees in school colors. Another option is to talk to vets or returners to find out what apparel is typically worn for tryouts.
2. For open workouts I would wear normal cheer attire that you would wear to practice..maybe competition shirts if you did all star. I would refrain from wearing an actual gym shirt though-some college coaches take that offensively.
3. Do not wear anything provactive, shirts from other gyms or other colleges, or borrow someone's (college name here) cheer shirt.
4. Confident (not super cocky), but a lot of perspective college cheerleaders have previous experience! Be open-minded, sometimes at tryouts they will teach you how they do certain things in their cheer program which may be different than you have done in the past. Be outgoing-although you are there for your tryout, they want to see that you are well-rounded and would be a positive asset in a team setting as well.
5. Getting to know the coaches is a great thing! Emailing ahead of time, asking questions, and scheduling a visit to the campus/meet the coach prior to tryouts is beneficial as well.
6. If you are not confident do a skill, I suggest not going for it at tryouts. I recommend going for everything you are confident throwing (tumbling wise). Use good judgement!

Usually at tryouts there is a rush of adrenaline anyway so if you have a skill that is somewhat shakey, but you've landed it many times before you will most likely land it at tryouts and the same goes with stunting. Definitely tell the coach if something becomes a safety hazard, but first I would try to use your best judgement.
Good luck with tryouts!!

I definitely remember asking a TON of questions to a lot of the veterans and I emailed back & forth with my coach who was very helpful as well.