All-Star Confessions Of A Cheermom

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Try using Nfinity shoe cases to smuggle food in. My mom discovered this my junior year of high school (I'm a freshmen in college now), and it's worked like a charm ever since.

This is GENIUS! My CP just got new Nfinitys but is alternating between practice and competition. Extra Nfinity case = granola bars, chips, candy, juice boxes and $20 in consession savings. THANK YOU! :cloud9:
reading this thread is like FREE group therapy :)

1. I have forged waivers (unwritten team mom task)
2. I did slap my daughters uniform on when she wasnt competing in order to not pay for Cheersport.
3. having giving several teams of kids pixie sticks when we had 6:30AM meet times for SOH.
4. CP has competed when she was in boot for a 1 day comp. (coach had taken her out of routine days before due to injury-bad ligament sprain) he came to her in warm-ups ( she went back to support her team even though she wasn't performing (or so we thought)...Coach wasn't happy with his decision on who he got to take her spot,(she was point dancer) she turns to CP and says are you sure you don't feel up to it. No CP on allstar earth is going to tell their favorite coach NO...took boot off and off she goes...soon as routine ended I was down front with coaches during the whole routine with boot in hand, soon as music stops, coach runs and carries her off stage. Husband in VIP giving me the "haveyoulostyourdamnmind" look,.
There are things I want to confess, but I'm scared it would get back to the parents or EPs!

I will confess to the following:

-Signing waivers for parents that don't come in
-Telling a kid it looked great when I didn't even see it (at least once a day)
-Hearing my name being yelled over and over and over and purposely ignoring it (in hopes they'll give up sooner)
-Telling the kids it was great when it wasn't (or telling them it was bad when it wasn't THAT bad)
-Not feeling bad about the crazy families I've asked to leave, forced out, or that have quit. One time, I made brownies when a family left because I was having a personal celebration party (and my life has been 1,000x better since).

hahha my list is the SAME! I tell my kids I need to change my name to Coach Andrea Watch :rolleyes:

We need a coaches confessional in the coaches room ;)
My first confession is that I am guilty of about 95% of the things already listed on this thread.

My second confession is that I will judge you and probably even talk about you behind your back when you show up 15 minutes late for check in time with your 8 year old CP wearing one yellow polka dot sock and one green striped sock, hair pulled into a lose ponytail with flyaways that it looks like you did while you were walking behind her through the parking lot on the way into the comp, and half a**ed make-up that looks like she put it on herself in the car on the way to the comp. Especially after the team mom has sent out numerous emails about the proper competition hair, make up and attire, as well as an instructional you tube video with step by step directions! And I will most definitely roll my eyes when you repeat this behavior competition after competition, proving that it wasn't just a bad day :)
This is GENIUS! My CP just got new Nfinitys but is alternating between practice and competition. Extra Nfinity case = granola bars, chips, candy, juice boxes and $20 in consession savings. THANK YOU! :cloud9:

You're welcome!:) I was hoping this would benefit somebody!!
My first confession is that I am guilty of about 95% of the things already listed on this thread.

My second confession is that I will judge you and probably even talk about you behind your back when you show up 15 minutes late for check in time with your 8 year old CP wearing one yellow polka dot sock and one green striped sock, hair pulled into a lose ponytail with flyaways that it looks like you did while you were walking behind her through the parking lot on the way into the comp, and half a**ed make-up that looks like she put it on herself in the car on the way to the comp. Especially after the team mom has sent out numerous emails about the proper competition hair, make up and attire, as well as an instructional you tube video with step by step directions! And I will most definitely roll my eyes when you repeat this behavior competition after competition, proving that it wasn't just a bad day :)

Yes!! This!! Good grief this chaps my backside!! Stresses everyone out. Either do it right or quit!
My first confession is that I am guilty of about 95% of the things already listed on this thread.

My second confession is that I will judge you and probably even talk about you behind your back when you show up 15 minutes late for check in time with your 8 year old CP wearing one yellow polka dot sock and one green striped sock, hair pulled into a lose ponytail with flyaways that it looks like you did while you were walking behind her through the parking lot on the way into the comp, and half a**ed make-up that looks like she put it on herself in the car on the way to the comp. Especially after the team mom has sent out numerous emails about the proper competition hair, make up and attire, as well as an instructional you tube video with step by step directions! And I will most definitely roll my eyes when you repeat this behavior competition after competition, proving that it wasn't just a bad day :)

Haha! The last paragraph is so true!!! Our team mom has sent out maps, directions, venue maps and people are still late claiming they got lost.
I'm not sure when the last time I've laughed that hard is but it's been a while. I will just say that if you see me walking around with a huge McDonald's might be sweet tea or it might not be. All of my kids know to ask before drinking out of my cup. Mr Tealy might have Capt and Mt Dew in his bottle. My bar bills during the year's of 2007, 2008 and 2009 might have come very close to equaling my hotel bills for those seasons. Oldest flying on SE...yea that'll send you right into AA. After she aged out my bar bills might have gone down. I might or might not have schemed with cheermeup the week leading up to Cheersport as to who would bring the liquor and who would bring the Vitamin Water. I might know that Hypnotique is strangely the same color as Blue Gatorade. (I haven't done this but I might know someone who might wear Teal that told me this) I might know that Acedad and Cheer2Win used to travel with a blender. I have been told that I'm a hard person to find at isn't because I'm at the bar. LMAO I also want to add that Mr Tealy and I take turns as to who will be partaking of libations so 1 of us is always capable of taking someone to the emergency room if needed. I also might have a teal bucket that I carry libations in when we travel and it's named for whatever competition we are heading to. (Big Top Party Bucket. Cheersport Party Bucket)

OMG I can't believe that I am admitting this and I really wish this thread was in the parent area but here goes. In 2010 when my Youth Elite team won NCA I might have done tequila shots out of the megaphone. I wasn't the only one.

After winning NCA and getting to the airport the employee's there informed Mr Tealy that there was no way that trophy was getting on the flight home. Their idea was to take a cab to the Fed Ex place down the street and mail it home that way. Mr Tealy very calmly (backed by about 15 Youth Elite kids) explained that these kids had just won this trophy and they had practice on Tuesday and he didn't know what the answer was but the trophy was definitely going home with us on the airplane. The 2 of them brainstormed and decided that taking it apart so each of us could carry a part of it through security was the answer. (In bags) So with a screwdriver Mr Tealy took the NCA trophy apart.....we bagged it up.....the megaphone wouldn't fit in anybody's bag so we carried it through Love Field....on the plane....held it....laid over in Memphis carrying it......drove it home from the Charlotte airport where he put it back together in our living room and the team had the trophy the next day at practice. We might or might not have all taken turns (Kids and Parents alike) wearing the megaphone as a dunce cap. That same year Jr Elite might have left their trophy in the NCA party room and nobody even realized it until we got back to Kernersville. (Everybody thought somebody else had it)

Good times! Good times!
My oldest CP competed at Worlds with cheer shoes the color of dirt. She shamed me with this sentence........"OMG are you really wanting to wash all the hard work off my shoes? No......just NO." (Also want to add she had a brand new never worn pair that I had bought in Dec at Big Top. Wouldn't wear them)

Mamarazzi......don't look Friend! I'm not sure you're heart can take it! LOL

Those shoes were shredded! ICK!
While chaperoning, I may or may not have spray tanned 3 girls at Worlds, one of them being my own daughter (if you've seen me, or my daughter, you know how cray-cray that is).

I may or may not have, in the past, sent a friend, who knew diddly about cheerleading, but still lives up north (I'm a NY Yankee), to the showcase of a hypothetical rival team. This could have happened...maybe. There may have been fictitious videoing involved.

I may or may not have took the advice of a certain team mom teal ahem...and told my nauseous child to bite her cheeks for 2:30 b/c this certain team mom would have a trash can waiting when she got off. (Luckily, she didn't need it.) I'm a that might have been bad medical advice, in retrospect.

I probably may have zipped through all of the Action Shots to look for only my CP. and then wanted to choke Jamie Christian for capturing that one golden moment when she had her mouth open so I could see all of her fillings, her ancestry and her lunch. He always manages to catch the lovely moment when her eyes roll back in her head. She never does that at home.

I confess to all of the other things - except...I like going to competition with my baby! Time goes by so quickly. She will graduate HS next year and then this will all be over. It will have been 8 years, if God wills that she cheers next season. I am so grateful for every long drive, mad dash, saved seat, bad fashion-wearing, obnoxious hat-having, too-big-for-spandex, cowbell-ringing, crying-just-cuz moment.

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