Let me start by saying no child in my gym to my knowledge has ever been asked to be on the cover of a magazine or become a spokesman for a product. However, if that opportunity arises I think I would be thrilled for them. Their hardwork or their God given looks will have given them an opportunity to shine. I can not blame them for posing for a picture or allowing an article to be written about them. Heck there are 1,000 other reasons that kids want to take pics/autographs. My issue with this whole thing is the crazed fan. I have no issue with the common fan. When I coached in College one of the coolest times for the team was the day before the comp in both Daytona and in Orlando when they would get to practice outside and fans would run to watch them and cheer them on. No one would DARE interrupt our practice to ask for a picture or etc. When we were done and the team was dismissed they would all see their friends and fans and take pics etc. I think there is a place for that. There should be. The fans finance the sport. The issue is crossing the line. Until measures are taken to address the "crossing the line crazy fan" issues will continue.
I can say this, there are athletes at my gym that are seen as "popular" that have never been on a magazine cover etc. They do have their own personal social media and are on a what some would consider a "high profile" team. I see them taking pictures all the time and looked up to. Just bc they aren't on a magazine doesn't mean kids won't be approached. Again, it's all about the crazed fan crossing the line.