I'm just curious how other gyms handle flyers. It seems so many kids want to fly but none of them want to do the hard work (stretching) that comes with it. Do your flyers have a special tryout where their skills are tested? What extra requirements are your flyers required to do? Do they have to take extra classes? My dd is not a flyer and does not want to be but being a base and having been kicked in the head many of times by flyers dropping their skill due to flexibility issues this does affect her.
I will tell you what I know but since we are new to our current gym I may be off.
At CCE tryouts were done of tumbling, jumps, and a short dance. So no one knew who was flying until the season started. Then they just put the 3 smallest girls in the air. My cp included who had never flown an wasn't really sure if she wanted to at the time. She did and she loves it now. They had a free flexibility class that was mandatory for all flyer but no one really went religiously but my cp.
At our new gym you do tryouts with it. All of what I am about to say came from my 7 year old. She tried out level 2 and day one asked who wanted to fly. All the little girls for the most part stepped forward. My cp was one of the biggest ones who stepped forward. So they put them all with bases and had them doing different stunts and stretches at every tryout date.
After tryouts they tell who will be flying. They told my daughter and 5 others and now all these kids are suppose to pay $50 extra a month and do a stretch class every week. This class is great and is worth the money. However as of now we have like 17 kids on her team and her included 6 are flying. I know that when it comes down to it unless they do these 2 man stunts that some will not be flying besides maybe the pyramid. With my daughter being the biggest of the 6 (she may weigh less then a couple of them but she towers over all of them) I told her that just because they said she was a top girl she better have the best stretches or she is going to lose her spot to the little kids so she is definitely working and practicing super hard.
I know of a couple who tried out as flyer didn't get it...because my cp said a couple girls who were flying at tryouts aren't flying now because they were basing at the last few practices. So I'm assuming they have a eliminated some and will continue to work and see who deserves the spot.
I felt like I liked the way they did tryouts because they seemed to build a team as a whole and to kind of know what they have going in.
I may be wrong but
SheCheers would be able to correct me.
Also I'm not sure if this was exactly what you wanted but I tried!