I love seeing this!
I myself am gender fluid, at practices I usually look more boyish but no matter how I'm feeling I usually do full spray tan and all of that for competition. My coaches (though I haven't asked at all) are extremely accepting and I'm sure they would let me wear a mens uniform if I wanted. The only reason I could see them saying no is because I'm a flyer and it would be harder to catch and stunt in pants.
When I coach and at try outs I let the athletes tick if they would like a "Pants" uniform or a "skirt" uniform. I didn't put genders on it and I use gender neutral terms most times. Not putting genders on it gave the athletes more of an option which made a lot of parents happy-- though some parents were livid but sometimes you gotta live with bigots.
HOWEVER: Do NOT wear a binder when you cheer. That is so dangerous.
but talk to your coaches and see where it goes :) Wishing you luck!