WC Starlites and WCSS 2007
Cali Coed Worlds 2012
All Star Legacy J5 2008
WC Odyssey 2011
Stingray Teal 2009
Stingray Smoke 2010
Rockstar Rolling Stones 2010
CA FierceKatz 2010
CEA Coed Elite 2009
Stingray Peach 2008
Texas Lonestar Red 2011
This list could go on and on. I do love a lot of newer ones, but wanted to share some older ones that people may not know/remember as well.
Thank you for including older mixes!
To add to the oldies-but-goodies list (I think I got most of the years right) :
- ACE Warriors 2004 and 2010
- WC Starlites 2008
- Maryland Twisters Supercells 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011
- MT Reign 2011 and 2012
- MT F5 2008, 2010
- South Jersey Storm Junior Coed 5 2009
- South Jersey Storm Volcanoes and Avalanche (2011 or 2012)
- South Jersey Storm Lady Reign 2013 (supah fierce mix forreal)
- Ultimate Athletics Legacy and Prodigy 2011 (?)
- Ultimate Athletics Queens 2010 and 2011
- East Elite Small Senior 5 2009
- East Elite Senior 4 2009 (They had a "wait" theme and it was phenomenal)
- Celebrity Cheer Coed 5 teams (NH & CT) 2008
- Celebrity Cheer Youth 5 & Junior 5 2009
- Charlotte Teal 2012 and 2013
- FAME J5 2008, 2009, 2010 (I love the "We Built This City" thing they had going for a while)
- FAME J4 2009 (probably one of my all time favs)
- Pittsburgh Superstars Junior 5 2009
- FCA Rubies 2009 and 2010
- Top Gun Unlimited Coed 2008, 2009, 2010
- Stingrays Green 2013 (I love every single voiceover)
- Cali Junior Mafia 2013 (the pre-Summit version)
- Spirit of Texas Large Limited 2008, 2009, 2010
- Spirit of Texas International Co-ed (I wanna say 2012?)
- Hot Cheer Hot 5 2012
- GT Platimnum and Pink 2011 and 2012
- ACE Thunderbirds 2012 (Madeline's Tribute Mix)
- Midwest Cheer Elite Fiercekatz (either 2012 or 2013 - one of the best level 2 mixes ever made)
- Brandon's Worlds mixes from 2010 forward
- Rockstar The Killers 2010
- CJA Small Senior 5 2010
- CJA Senior 4 2010
- Cheer Dynasty J5 2008 (They had a Hairspray theme :cloud9: )
I could go on and on too. Cheer music is all I listen to at the gym so yeah.... :oops: