It is too bad evaluations do not vet out heart and drive. I have seen lots of talented kids with bad attitudes over the years and that can be the biggest drag on a team. Then that affects the chemistry. Unfortunately some of theses attributes can not be developed over season. I think many times these type of characteristics are just inherent in certain kids.
I think evals DO take this into account, if you're observant enough as a coach. I know it is a factor for me with school and all star cheer.
If we finish tryouts, and all sit down as a coach to look at kids and we need to figure out who is going to go where (among us as coaches), you can bet we're looking at the following things which to me, indicate commitment/drive:
1. Who has done, repeatedly, what is asked of him/her in any situation? Ex: "Hey Jenni, we know you usually fly, but can you side base this tonight?" Jenni: "Sure!" I want that kid.
2. Who can have a stunt consistently NOT hit, yet keep trying? Ex: Your express up lib keeps falling, you take the criticism and keep trying until it hits. That tells me a lot about you. If every time something falls you ask me to change it to make it easier, or cry, that also tells me about you.
3. Who conditions without complaining all year?
4. Who is the girl who did not get the team she wanted this year but ROCKED it all year? The girl who wanted J3 but got Y2 again but took her Y2 spot and SERVED all year. She has real heart and a heart for her teammates. Not for herself.
5. Who is the girl who is AT PRACTICE all year? Ex: While everyone is at Aunt Gertie's Retirement Party or some such every other weekend, this is the girl who prioritizes cheer (not saying that she LIVES in the gym, but every other weekend is not a birthday party, pageant, etc.)
6. Which girl interacts with teammates with encouraging words? When a stunt falls, is she the "OMG KATIE JESUS YOU KEEP FALLING OMG I HATE THIS GROUP!!!" girl?" Or is she the "It's okay guys, let's try _____ next time" girl?
7. Does she always try to sit out for some reason, or is she ready to practice every single time?
8. Is every other word "I don't even really caaaaare." or "omg they're probably gonna beat us anyway?" You're not in every single kid's conversation, but be aware of the little things you keep hearing from certain kids.
There's more, but that's a lot of what we look at when forming teams (both with new kids and returners.)