Its very hard for me to remember to wear the practice outfit- but i think its a good idea because evrything looks better and you look like a team! You cant be a team if you dont act like one :)
If everyone always wears the right thing, you can work on formations/dances anytime.
I like shirts better. When stunting, slipping on each other's sweat and sticking your arms in your flyer's sweaty armpits isnt fun (yes... i am a backspot). Also, just sports bras and spandez/soffes is kinda risque in gyms where theres little girls and parents around, especially family-oriented gyms like mine. We compete in scandalous outfits... that should be enough!
I like the tight running shirt/tank tops - form fitting so it doesnt get in the way, yet comfy and sensible.
I'd like to get a nice set to practice in the night before! True story: In Indy, my team went to practice friday night looking like total hobos - wore whatever we wanted, some in sweatpants, looking a hot mess, etc. All the teams that had a special outfit looked awesome, and we felt like losers! Plus getting something new for Cheersport/Dallas/Indy makes it special :)
I think practice clothes make things more fun! Its especially fun when each team has a practice shirt JUST for their squad (junior 2 has a different shirt than senior 4, whos is different than senior 5, etc.). You know, something specific to that team, like a shirt with the team's name on it (Shooting Stars, Starlites, etc) or a voiceover from the music or something! Also, my gym has practice bows for each team! We look like a gym at comps where everyone wears the same one, but at practice the teams get special ones :) Hope this helps!