Kids seriously do randomly come and start classes the month before tryouts... I guess I never realized it until I started coaching. The gym I coach at has a lot of school teams and ALOT of kids have joined my intro to tumbling class or my cheer 101 class the last two months because of tryouts. One girl came in the other day in my intro class (which is basics- cartwheels, handstands, forward and backwards rolls... etc) and she was like "I'm trying out for a HS team in two weeks and I need a standing tuck and my full" :rolleyes:.
I've always been an open gym kid. I like classes but I like doing my own thing and working on what I need to work on. Like running is great but sometimes I just wanted to do standing or just wanted to work on jumps or whatever. And I hated waiting in line in tumbling classes because I learn better when I do something over and over again like immediately.