When we had an IOC 5 at my gym we practiced twice a week; Sunday and Thursday. For the most part we always had full practices. There was I think one person who couldn't be there one day each week l, because he had been added to the team after we started our competitive season.
I think what makes a difference in this is the make-up of your team. For instance, at my gym our age range was pretty diverse. We had kids at the bottom of the age range up to a couple of 30-something's.
all the older athletes (mainly the boys) and one of our girls were coaches. So we're were always at the gym in the evenings anyway. The rest of them were between 14-17/18 years old so they really didn't have much else to be committed to outside of school and IF they worked they obviously didn't work during practice time.
If you have an international open team of ideal age that does not consist largely of coaches, I imagine it would be more difficult.
We didn't have too tough a time though. I mean, we always got to worlds..
To be successful in the international divisions, though, you need structure and VERY strong coaches.
Otherwise the team may as well be coaching themselves and you'll be having very few full practices and it won't go anywhere.
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