Whether fear or truly caring about the person, this is true and unfortunate, victims and witnesses generally don't come forward. Your last comment is the absolute truth about the police and why I continue to ask people what they expect from the USASF. The USASF can turn it over to the police, the police can investigate, the USASF can put a person on a ban list while its being investigated and I would expect that person to stay on the ban list as long as the law keeps them on an offender registry. Once that person legally falls off a registry, I don't expect anything more or less from a governing body that has absolutely no legal authority. I am not for the USASF becoming judge, jury and executioner for criminal accusations anymore than Twitter. Police will be the first to state that screen shots of texts, emails, and phone logs can be created/spoofed on apps and why what appears to look like evidence can't be taken at face value and why these investigations are necessary. If these kids are bringing what looks like evidence to the masses on social media, then fear, blackmail and retaliation are no longer the issue and I hope these claims are making it to the police. Time will tell.
Side note: I just saw this article on an app called Omegle
<click here>. If our federal and state governments aren't willing to stop this $%&# and protect our kids, how do we expect a governing body with no legal authority to accomplish that feat?! A parent can put their own age grid on their kids tryout packet, a parent can remove their kid from a gym where abusive and creepy people exist, but these apps, chats, DM's are allowing 24/7/365 access to kids and criminal activity with little consequence.
ETA: my spelling has been horrible lately.