Mostly just a vent here. Two moms on our team had a major blowup over the weekend at our competition and it filtered down to the girls. Long story short, they were anxious and uncomfortable Sunday morning and it was obvious. We normally all get ready together and moms chose to do small groups in certain of the hotel rooms. Girls felt excluded. There was tension at warm-ups, and in the end, there performance was the worst it has been all season :( It really sucks. This is a Youth team so it was young girls trying to process and make sense of their mother's issues. Those of us who were not involved are crushed, angry, and mostly just heartbroken for our girls, who worked so hard, spent a LOT of money on this away competition, etc. Really trying to figure out how we as a team can repair the damage and move forward. I know both moms involved were spoken to by the gym owners, and I am hopeful the coach will speak with the girls as a group at their next practice. Just feeling sad right now- until this point, this team had such great comraderie and sportsmanship.