I have not commented much on tryouts for my (HS Varsity) team this year as I've really switched things up and it has ruffled feathers.
I can tell you that people start to freak out when you go from a traditional tryout model (with clinics leading up to it) to more of an "evaluation throughout your clinic week and open gyms and results on Saturday" model.
What they don't realize is that I've/we've ALWAYS been watching during the week, just that now, what I/we see affects whether you'll make it.
You can't give half an effort all week, then wow me on Saturday anymore. You also cannot chuck your tuck that day, get lucky, and get full points for tumbling. It requires sustained effort now and that makes athletes and parents uncomfortable. But it gives us all a better picture of a candidates:
*true abilities.
*true coachability (for the incoming girls I have never coached.)
*ability to be a team player.
On a sidenote: coupled with changes in the process, at least 80% of this year's JV is doing Varsity evals and trying to move up. Background: JV and Varsity are by skill and not grade. They also have separate eval weeks. JV is sideline only with one comp and exhibitions so it is a true JV (meant for those who maybe are gaining experience.) It is also tumbling optional. A third of them come onto the team with a BHS but there are many girls who come onto JV in 9th with no tumbling and work super hard over the next 2 years to prep for Varsity. This year, there are some hard working girls going into 10th and 11th who are HUNGRY to move up and have been taking privates and classes to get their tuck or series running to tuck. I've seen a few of them at JV BB and they're solid. Solid enough to knock off a few of my veterans. Esp. a few who have actually LOST skills since our last comp. Ex: I have one coming back from an injury who has had an off/on mental block since her return, and is now not tumbling at all. This is going to be interesting.