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Lisa Welsh

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By Lisa D. Welsh

Just four more days until CHEERMaD's first year anniversary!
As CHEERMaD prepares to celebrate its’ one year anniversary on Tuesday, June 19 (!), I’d like to thank you for your continued encouragement during this very important inaugural “season.”
When CHEERMaD launched, my goal was to have 10,000 readers in its first year. That goal was surpassed in its first six weeks thanks to the support of the spirit industry, most the cheer moms and cheer dads. In its first year, CHEERMaD passed one million unique visits and has developed a loyal reader following.

Meeting other CHEERMaDs from around the country has been the highlight of my year! I met Alex Rivera of Pacific Coast Magic at Worlds....
So, for CHEERMaD’s first anniversary, I am giving the cheer moms and dads the presents.
Thanks to the generosity of several companies including: ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex; Pretty Girl Cosmetics; Fancy Face; GK; Crystal Couture; Just Cheer Bows; Cheer for a Cause; and Spirit Celebration, on Tuesday CHEERMaDs who registered for an anniversary drawing will be chosen to receive free admission tickets to competitions, cheer makeup and apparel, decals, warm-up suits, jewelry, discounts and other gifts.
It’s not too late to win: just join CHEERMaD Nation by filling out the form at the top/left of this page. You can also “Like” the facebook page but make sure that you are also a member of CHEERMaD Nation by filling out this form so that we have your contact information to send your prizes.

...CHEERMaD Tracy Rule at Athletic Championships in Providence, RI
Andre Carter of Spirit Post was the first to tell me that CHEERMaD had done something that others had tried to do before but hadn’t been able to do: capture and keep the attention of cheer parents. I believe that is due to my commitment to keep CHEERMaD a supportive and positive social media platform directed to those who support the sport of cheer with their time and money: cheer moms and dads, or as they’ve become known as “CHEERMaDs.”
But as they say, that was then, this is now. CHEERMaD has accomplished much in its first year but there’s much more to do. I can’t wait for Tuesday when we’ll unveil our new website pages.
I believe I’ve been able to retain my readers, thanks to my 27 years experience as a professional journalist, most recently for a New York Times owned daily newspaper. I have the discipline and skill to keep the blog fresh with 3-5 new posts a week and daily facebook posts. My credits include The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and MSNBC.
You may recall that, for the last 10-years I’ve also been a Cheer Mom to my now 19-year old daughter, Becky, which makes me an “expert” in the relatively new sport of Allstars; competitive cheer. I also have a 10-year old daughter, Rachel, who cheers on the number one ranked youth Allstar team in the country, a rank it enjoys for the second year in a row as the reigning All Levels Virtual Grand Champions.
I’m looking forward to many more years as a CHEERMaD and for

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