okay, showstopper is going to vent a little. I already did on facebook, but I'm still heated. I haven't seen it much here, but I am sick and tired of people under appreciating the simply amazing things this girl does. I am tired of people comparing her to other people. I don't care if she's 10 years old. I don't care if she's never going to use these tricks on an allstar team. No one died and made any of you cheerleading boss, and none of you can stop a very talented girl from doing something she loves, and is beyond amazing at it. Maybe she's getting a head start for college. Maybe she just really enjoys doing the tricks. Either way, it doesn't matter. she still does them. I'd like to go see a single one of the people that diss on her go and try her tricks. No, it's not because she's little that she can do them. Yes, it helps, but does anyone realize the kind of body control required for those moves? and yes, most people would consider her a "fetus" and do you know how many "fetuses" you see with good body control? very few. Sure, do I think it would be impressive to see a bigger flyer do it? of course. but does that change the fact that what she does is fantastic? absoulutely not. It's a diss to her father as well. Those of you "not impressed" by this because she's little are also under appreciating the talent of her father. He is also an amazing stunter, and to be honest, I'm sure he can and does do those stunts with other girls. But this is his daughter, if you and you're kid worked that well together, wouldn't you want to show it off a little? It's not every day that mom/dad and daughter/son can still totally outfierce people in the same sport. So yes. they are both absolutely amazing and inspiring to this sport. What they do is not impossible, in fact, whenever I want to try new tricks, where do I go? them. so ya'll can keep your smack to yourself. peace and happy cheering people.
annnnd like I said, that vent probably does not apply to any of you, because unlike the ignorant people of the cheer world, most of you have respect for talent when you see it. It was actually my own teamates that set me off. so instead of exploding on them, I brought it to ya'll. aren't you just so happy I love ya'll so much? hehe :)