I was just going to post this in the parent's forum but feel that everyone needs to see this. Quick story: A very talented, very young (under 12) girl has been driven hard by mom to get better, tumble more, be the best since she was about 8. This girl has been on multiple teams for at least the last 3 years and tumbling 2-3 times a week, plus conditioning with a personal trainer 1-2 times a week. About a year ago, she started complaining of back and hip pain. The family's motto is "no blood, no broken bones, get back out there." Long story shortened...she landed wrong on some tumbling and couldn't get up. Went to many doctors and they discovered that a couple of vertebras were rubbing together. This poor thing isn't allowed to stand for more than 10 minutes at a time and is out of all activities for at least 3 months. Who knows how she'll recover or what she will be able to do? The saddest thing is that this could have been prevented if an adult listened to her complaints a year ago. Parents and coaches, please listen to complaints of pain. Athletes, please listen to your body. Think about what we are trying to accomplish by always pushing for more, harder, longer. Is it really worth it? Cheer lasts for a few years. Your body needs to last a lot longer.