All-Star Most Common Rules Violations Through December 15th

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Deleted member 15

These are the rules infractions that have been reported the most through December 15th.

General 14
L1 - Stunts C, Pyramids C, Pyramids D1-4
L2 - Stunts L1, Pyramids E
L3 - Running Tumbling B, Stunts K1, Pyramids E1, Pyramids F2
L4 - Stunts J4, Stunts K2
L5 - Pyramids E1, Pyramids E6
I think it is very interesting that E1 is one of the most common infractions. Do you think this is more due to performance error?

Its also interesting that some of the rules that didn't change for this cycle are broken most often.
At the start of the season, I saw several full and a quarter ups in Level 4 and a couple power press tick rocks (backspot didn't grab)
i have seen a few in restricted 5 as well not sure if they were caught onto but i have seen teams throwing a roundoff handspring half roundoff handspring full and numerous ro, hs arabian ro , hs, fulls
I have seen several arabians thru to Full competed in Restricted level 5 not called. Talked with one coach who said he had competed it for four competitions and not gotten one warning.
I have seen several arabians thru to Full competed in Restricted level 5 not called. Talked with one coach who said he had competed it for four competitions and not gotten one warning.
that really bothers me like why have the rule in place if it isnt going to be enforced not to mention im sure there are gyms that have athletes that can perform those skills on restricted teams but dont because they follow the rules and i mean if its not getting called im pretty sure its helping the tumbling score
does anyone wanna translate this into non judge language for us?

Sorry this is so long, but I was going to go look them all up anyway. Please feel free to let me know if I messed any of these up. I just copied and pasted from the USASF rules quickly.

General 14: Competition routines shall not exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
L1 –

· Stunts C- Twisting mounts and transitions are allowed up to a ¼ twisting rotation by the top person in relation to the performing surface.

· Pyramids C- Two leg extended stunts must be braced by at least two persons at prep level or below with hand/arm connection only. The connection must be made at or below prep level.

· Pyramids D1-4- Prep level single leg stunts:

1. Must be braced by at least one person at prep level or below with hand/arm connection only.

2. If the person bracing the top person is standing on the performance surface, the bracer must be a separate person not involved with basing or spotting.

3. The connection must be made prior to executing the single leg prep level stunt.

4. Prep level bracers must have both feet in bases’ hands. Exception: Prep level bracers do not have to have both feet in the bases’ hands if they are in a

shoulder sit, flat back, straddle lift or shoulder stand.

L2 –

· Stunts L1- All inversions must maintain contact with the performance surface. Exception: Transitions from ground level inversions to non-inverted positions are allowed. Example: Legal: Going from a handstand on the ground to a non-inverted stunt such as a shoulder sit. Example: Illegal: Going from a cradle to a handstand or from a prone position to a forward roll.

· Pyramids E- Extended single-leg stunts:

1. Extended single-leg stunts must be braced by at least one top person at prep level or below with hand/arm connection only. The hand/arm of the top person must be, and remain, connected to the hand/arm of the bracer.

2. The connection must be made prior to executing the extended single leg stunt.

3. Prep level top persons must have both feet in bases’ hands. Exception: Prep level top persons do not have to have both feet in the bases’ hands if they are in a shoulder sit, flat back, straddle lift or shoulder stand.

L3 –

· Running Tumbling B- No tumbling is allowed after a flip or an aerial cartwheel.

· Stunts K1- No inverted stunts above shoulder level. The connection and support of the top person with the base(s) must be at shoulder level or below. Exception: Multi base suspended forward roll dismounts to a cradle or the performing surface are allowed. Multi base suspended forward rolls must be supported by two hands. Both hands of the top person must be connected to a separate hand of the base(s).

· Pyramids E1:

o During a pyramid transition, a top person may pass above 2 persons high while in direct physical contact with at least two persons at prep level or below.

o Top person must remain in direct arm-to-arm contact with at least two different top persons at prep level or below.

o These release transitions may not involve changing bases.

o These transitions must be caught by at least 2 catchers.

· Pyramids F2:A top person may pass through an inverted position, during a pyramid transition, if the top person remains in contact with a base(s) that is direct weight bearing contact with the performing surface. The base that remains in contact with the top person may extend their arms during the transition, if the skill starts and ends in a position at prep level or below.

L4 –

· Stunts J4- Release moves that land in extended position must originate from ground-level and may not involve any twisting or flipping.

· Stunts K2- Downward inversions are allowed at prep level or below and must be assisted by at least three bases, at least two of which are positioned to protect the head and shoulder area.
L5 –
· Pyramids E1-Pyramid transitions may involve braced inversions (including braced flips) while released from the bases if contact is maintained with at least 1 person at prep level or below. Contact must be maintained throughout entire transition with either the top person(s) or the base(s).

· Pyramids E6- All braced inversions (including braced flips) must be caught by at least 3 catchers.
So basically, the rules most commonly broken are the ones that have been in place for awhile. That's so ridiculous :rolleyes:

I can't speak for all the levels, but I coach (or have coached) levels 1-3 and these are all old rules...Hmmm.
I'll give more info once I get approval from Les.
I'm interested in the number of times that each of the infractions have happened...
What really blows me away is the level one rules about pyramid bracers. Those have been in place for a long time. Like at least 4+ years. Like someone previously said, I wonder how many of these are "performance errors."

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